André Gide

The size of the unfolded wings is unknown.
Friend, embrace life as people offer you. Make yourself believe that life can be better.
What someone else can do as well as you, let him do it, not you.

The wise person is the one who is amazed by everything.
Every Swiss carries his own glacier.
Life is understood by living, not by age.
Believe in truth seekers. Beware of those who claim to have found it.
Not doing anything bad while being able to do all kinds of evil: This is goodness.
Glory should be in the look, not in the thing you look at.
Man is extraordinarily skillful in hindering his own happiness.
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he dares to lose sight of the shore.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for someone you're not.
Life is a very cruel teacher. He gives the exam first, then gives the lesson.
The heavier and more troublesome our burden, the more it trains and elevates our spirit.
A good start means half success.
To write a memoir is to save something from the hand of death.
Trying to look stupid is the smartest thing to do.

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