CUMIN -Personal Motivation Management- Training

KİMYON -Kişisel Motivasyon Yönetimi- Eğitimi

KİMYON -Kişisel Motivasyon Yönetimi- Eğitimi


Personal Motivation Management


Wouldn't you like to keep your personal motivation high every moment, every minute you want? If you had been able to use your motivation at the highest level until today, where exactly would you be today? KİMYON is a motivational management training that conveys the knowledge and skills that will help you reach your potential by revealing your inner motivational wisdom. When you gain the ability to effectively manage your motivation, you will be able to use your potential to the fullest and reach your goals more easily.

Potansiyelinizi keşfetmek ve bunu en iyi şekilde kullanmak mı istiyorsunuz? Kendi potansiyelinize en yakın performansı mı sergilemek istiyorsunuz? Kendinizi amaçlarınız doğrultusunda harekete geçirmek mi istiyorsunuz? Motivasyonunuzu yönetebilmeyi ve her şartta motive kalabilmeyi ister miydiniz? İçinizdeki “Motivasyon Dahisi”ni ortaya çıkarmaya hazır mısınız? O halde KİMYON Eğitimi tam size göre.

Who Can Benefit From Cumin Training?

Cumin training is ideal for every individual who has goals in business, education, health and sports in general and wants to progress in line with these goals.
  • Business owners, managers and all employees who want to achieve the highest efficiency and performance in business life,
  • Students, trainers and all educational institution administrators who want to achieve academic success in the field of education,
  • Clubs and athletes aiming to show the highest performance in sports matches and competitions,
  • All healthcare professionals and hospital managers who want to get the highest efficiency and performance from them in the field of healthcare.
  • In general, all individuals who aim to reach their personal goals in private and business life and want to use their potential in the best way can benefit from this training.

Educational content

    • Introduction to Cumin
    • Motivation as a Science and Art: Fundamentals of Motivation
    • Personal Motivation Management System: Motivation management model and motivation factors
    • Self Motivation Guide: “Motivation Profile” The personal motives that guide motivation are determined, and the motivation profile of each participant is revealed.
    • Target Design Study: Determining the valuable goals that guide life and the methods used to achieve these goals.
    • Positive and Optimistic Thinking Skills
    • Basic and Advanced Motivation Techniques
    • Motivation DeePeaK App


Instructor: Dr. Tayfun Topaloğlu



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