Representation Systems Test

Temsil Sistemleri Testi, yaşadığımız dünya hakkında, temsil sistemlerinden hangisini ağırlıklı şekilde kullandığımızı ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır.

Temsil Sistemleri Testi, yaşadığımız dünya hakkında, temsil sistemlerinden hangisini ağırlıklı şekilde kullandığımızı ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır.

Representation Systems Test

We use our senses to encode information from the world. We represent information in our brain mainly with our visual, auditory and tactile senses. This test aims to reveal which representation systems we mainly use about the world we live in.


Visual Representation System
* They perceive the world as images and pictures.
* As they try to match these images in their brains, they tend to speak very fast.
* They often speak in visual metaphors (seeing what they are saying, being obvious, looking closely, etc.)
* They are generalist, dreamer and future oriented.

Auditory Representation System
* They perceive the world more with sounds.
* They pay close attention to the words and tones they use.
* In their speech, they usually include metaphors and words related to sound (scratching ears, disobeying, talking nonsense, holding your tongue, tangling, etc.)
* When talking, they go into details and talk at length. They are detailed and logical.

Tactile Representation System
* They perceive the world according to sensations and feelings.
* Their voices are deep, they speak very slowly and clearly.
* They often use metaphors from the physical world in their speech (making contact, being friendly, underlining, pointing fingers, etc.).
* They are social people, they live now and express emotions intensely.

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