Bodily Wisdom

The body is your friend, not your enemy. Listen to its language, decode it, and gradually, as you dive into the book of the body and turn its pages, you will become aware of the whole mystery of life. That mystery is your body, summed up. Magnified a million times, it covers the whole world. 

The body is a miracle! It is so beautiful and yet so complex. There is nothing as complex as the body, and as ingenious as it is. You don't know anything about him. You just looked at him in the mirror. You have never looked from the inside; it is a universe in itself. This is what the mystics always say; that the body is a miniature universe.

Unless you love your body and understand your body, spiritual growth is not possible. The body is the temple of the soul. Man is the meeting of earth and sky, body and soul.

Remember the recipe for health. You are healthy when you don't feel your body at all. You only feel dizzy when you have a headache. If you don't have a headache, you don't have a head, it doesn't have any weight. If your leg hurts. If it doesn't hurt, it's not there. When the body is healthy – my definition of health is this, you are completely unaware of the existence of health, it doesn't matter if it is there or not... The same goes for a healthy brain. If the mind is calm, quiet, it is not felt. If the body and the brain are silent together, you can feel the soul more easily, laughing. There's no need to be serious.    

Before the physical body dies, the bioenergy begins to die and a person who has deep contact with their bioenergy now knows that their energy is shrinking. Life is expanding, death is shrinking.

Decades of new experiments were conducted in Russia, and scientists came to many conclusions. Here is a conclusion that explains a lot: Whenever a disease occurs, the body sends you continuous signals six months before it appears… New experiments have been conducted in Russia for decades, and scientists have come to many conclusions. Here is one conclusion that explains a lot: Whenever an illness occurs, the body sends you signals six months before it appears… Six months is a long time too! If you're going to get a disease a year, in the middle of this year the body will start giving you signals – but you don't get these signals, you don't understand, you don't know. Only when the disease manifests itself do you realize it. You may not even realize it – it may be the first time your doctor realizes that there is something serious inside.

When the body gives a natural response, it is called instinct. When the soul gives a natural response, it is called intuition. They are similar to each other; but it is very different. Instinct belongs to the body and is gross. Intuition, on the other hand, belongs to the soul and is subtle. Between the two is the expert mind… And the mind never reacts naturally. Mind means knowledge. Knowledge cannot be natural. Instinct is deeper than reason. Intuition is higher than intellect. Both are beyond reason. And both are good.  

The head is too dictatorial. It absorbs energy from everything else and is a monopolist. It dulls your senses. The head absorbs almost 80 percent of the energy, and the remaining twenty percent is distributed throughout the body. The body suffers for it, and when the body suffers, you suffer too; for you can be happy only when you act as an organic whole and when your body and every part of your being receives the necessary energy – neither more nor less. Then you move at a certain pace; you are in harmony.

The body says, 'Stop! Don't eat!' You continue to eat; you are listening to your brain. The brain says, 'This is delicious. Come on a little more.' You are not listening to the body… The body feels bad, the stomach says, 'Enough! That's too much! I'm tired!' But the brain says, 'Look at that flavor… Let's get some more.' You continue to listen to the brain. If you listen to the body, 99 percent of your problems will go away and the remaining one percent will not be real problems, but accidents.  

You can do anything on the surface, but nothing will happen unless the deeper roots change. You can do anything on the surface, but nothing will happen unless the deeper roots change. So remember this about the outer: be aware of it and go from the surface to the roots, find your root… why are you angry? Someone is eating a lot. It can be dropped. You can force yourself not to overeat. But why does he eat a lot? Why? Because it is not a bodily need, so somewhere the mind intervenes. Something must be done to the mind; This is not a matter of the body. Why do you keep filling your stomach? Obsession with food is a need for love. If you're not loved enough, you'll eat more. If you love and are loved, you eat less. Every time someone falls in love with you, you can't eat more. Love fills you so much that you don't feel empty. If there is no love, you will feel empty; something has to be stuffed into it… You keep stuffing food.

If you are somehow blocking your love energy, that energy turns into an interest in food. If you want to change that, you have to give more importance to love, to be more loving. Love your own body. Start there; enjoy your body. Dance, sing, feel and touch your own body… There's something beautiful about love: It's never too much. No one can love too much, no one; There is no such thing as excessive. When you overeat, you keep stuffing into it; In love, on the contrary, you give, you share, you love. This is a comforting event. And as you give, your energy begins to flow. You become a flowing river, not a stagnant lake… Love is a basic need. Your body grows with food, your soul with love!

In fact, joy means the symphony of the body, nothing else – music means the body keeping a rhythm, that's all. Joy is not pleasure; You get pleasure from other things. Joy is just being yourself – vivacious, full of life, vigorous. A faint music, a symphony playing in and around your body – that is joy!

Hindus call the heart the sun of the body. The whole body is a solar system and moves around the heart. You are alive when the heart starts beating, you will die when the heart stops beating. Your heart body is at the center of the solar system. Be on the lookout for him. But if you can develop sensitivity to the whole body, you can also be sensitive to the heart; this happens over time.      

All meditation methods are just ways to remind you of the art of letting go. I say to remember; because you once knew You still know; but society suppresses this information. All meditation methods are just ways to remind you of the art of letting go. I say to remember; because you once knew You still know; but society suppresses this information. You must remember simple principles: The body should be the starting point. Lie down in bed – you do this every day, so nothing special is needed – and start monitoring the energy from your feet with closed eyes before falling asleep. Proceed from there – watch inside: Is there tension anywhere? Legs, calves, stomach? Is there tension? And if you run into tension somewhere, try to relax it. Don't leave that spot without getting comfortable. Go through the hands, for the hands are your brain; they are attached to your mind. If your right hand is tense, your left brain is tense. If your left hand is tense, your right brain is tense. So first go through the hands, they are almost extensions of your brain and finally reach the brain. When the whole body is relaxed, the brain is already ninety percent relaxed, because the body is nothing but an extension of the brain. Then watch the ten percent tension in your brain, and you'll see the clouds dissipate just by watching. This will take a few days; You have to find the crux of the matter. This will bring back your childhood days when you were completely relaxed.


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