Subliminal Motivational Suggestions

Bilinçaltı motivasyon telkinleri ile her gün her açıdan daha iyiye gitmeye başlayın

Bilinçaltı motivasyon telkinleri ile her gün her açıdan daha iyiye gitmeye başlayın

Subliminal Motivational Suggestions

Start getting better every day with subliminal motivational suggestions… To get the most out of the suggestions, you can listen to this video right before you go to sleep, right after you wake up, and when you are relaxed when you need it.

I appeal to you and your subconscious wisdom.
Now just relax and listen to my voice for a while.
You don't have to absorb what I'm saying quickly.
When you allow these words to take root in your mind, you will notice positive changes appearing in your life day by day.
You are getting better every day, in every way.

You are getting better every day, in every way.

The infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind works for your good and supports you unconditionally.
You can act with confidence under his guidance.
You are completely safe here and now. When you feel insecure, you can bring that confidence back in yourself.

You have the power to achieve anything when you want. If something you want hasn't come true yet, it's because you don't want it enough. You can achieve anything you put your mind to.
You are now and always in complete control of your life.
Even if you sometimes think that's not the case, you may view times like these as an opportunity to remember that you are in control.

You are getting better every day in every way.

You contain a tremendous energy. You start each new day with the motivation of this powerful energy. When necessary, you can focus all your energy on a single point. And so, you can easily get all the results you want during the day.
You feel confident. You don't need help from anywhere.
You have everything necessary. You may not know this yet. Maybe you have more than you need.
You are one step closer to your goals every day. You are moving patiently and decisively towards all your goals. You don't let anything stand in your way on this path. Some may view the obstacles they face as insurmountable.
However, you manage to turn them into an opportunity.
You are getting better every day in every way.
You know what really matters.
When necessary, you can put everything else aside and focus on what's important.
Hiçbir şeyin dikkatini dağıtmasına izin vermiyorsun.

You only focus on what matters.

You are aware of your weaknesses and you can control them.
You manage to make each of them stronger day by day.
You can stay calm and balanced in difficult moments. Because only you can control your thoughts, feelings and actions.

You are getting better every day in every way.

You have the wisdom to make the best decisions in all circumstances. If your decisions don't bring the results you want, you can show the determination and courage to make them right.
You carry an endless source of healing within you. Now the light from that source
Feel it spread throughout your body. You find healing with this light that spreads from your toes to your head. It makes you stronger and healthier.
All the organs in your body are working in harmony and in a healthy way.

You feel grateful for every moment of your health.

You are in oneness, integrity and harmony with yourself and the whole world.
You forgive yourself for all the mistakes you've made. You end all conflicts within you. All your problems are solved one by one, the worries and concerns you feel are replaced by peace. Visualize your happily smiling face. Your lips whisper to you that everything is alright.
All the riches you have are increasing a little more every day. You love money. You use it wisely and judiciously. You deserve to have as much money and wealth as you wish. Because you deserve the best of everything.
You have strong intuition. You allow these intuitions to guide you confidently when you need them.
You love yourself and life. This love that you keep alive in you reveals the endless motivation you need.

You are getting better every day in every way.

Only you can know what's best for you. You have the power to choose. So choose what is best for you… Choose wealth, choose success, choose health, choose happiness!
At that time, you will be living all the beauties of this life you have chosen.

Tayfun Topaloğlu

All Video Tutorials

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