Bruce Lee Quotes

Flowing water never grows algae; so you have to keep flowing.


Although I am afraid of those who practice 10 thousand kicks once, I am afraid of those who practice one kick 10 thousand times.


Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless like water. Now, if you pour water into a glass, the water becomes a glass. Fill it into the teapot; then water becomes a teapot… Be like water, my friend.


Get maximum impact with minimum effort.


Choose the positive. You have the right to choose. You are the master of your attitude. Choose to be positive, constructive.


The successful warrior is actually called the ordinary person who can focus like a laser.


You can't fix people with punches and kicks.


Fuck the conditions, I create the opportunities myself!


A bird that cannot land where it wants is a captive in the air.


You cannot invite the wind in; but you can leave the window open.


Simplicity is the path to perfection.


Be happy; but never be satisfied!


Defeat is a way of thinking; No one is defeated unless they accept defeat as a reality.


If you think too much about something, you don't have time to make it happen.


Don't pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure the hard one.


A wise man can learn more from a stupid question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.  


It is not the daily increase, but the daily decrease that is important. Get rid of the unimportant!


A teacher is never the one who gives the truth. He is a guide and an indicator of the reality that each student has to find for himself.


Bruce Lee's best quotes, Bruce Lee motivational quotes, Bruce Lee quotes, Bruce Lee courage self-confidence quotes

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