Quotations on Change

Quotations on Change

Değişim üzerine özlü sözler, değişmek ve değişimle ilgili özdeyişler, hayat ve değişim ile ilgili sözler, değişime dair kısa anlamlı sözler..

Change how you see, see how you change!

you are the world; so if you change, the world changes.

If you change, your luck changes too.

If I change my mind, I also change my perception of the world around me and its problems.
Steve Chandler

If you want change, create reasons.
Dalai Lama

Whoever accepts you completely, unconditionally, you begin to change. His acceptance gives you such courage. Being accepted as you are integrates you, makes you confident, makes you feel like yourself. Then you don't need to live up to expectations, it can be you. That's why love is so nurturing.

If you can't change the world, you change your world. That's all. Stefan Zweig
"Dünyayı değiştiremiyorsan, dünyanı değiştirirsin. Hepsi bu." Stefan Zweig özlü sözleri

The only thing that does not change is change itself.

We can start from anywhere or anywhere.
Yeter ki orada bir değişim olsun ve bu benimle başlasın.
M. Ferguson

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Alphonce Karr


Hepimiz yeniden doğmalıyız, sonra bir daha ve bir daha.
George Bernard Shaw

You can't bathe in the same river twice.

When you can't change the direction of the wind, adjust your sails to the wind.

It's gone with yesterday, dear.
Whatever belongs to yesterday.
Now it needs to be said new things.

Just as it is renewed every day, you are renewed day by day. Lao Tzu

“Nasıl yenilenirse her gün, yenilen sen de gün be gün.” Lao Tzu

A person who wants to change something must first start with himself.

Every change always requires other changes.
Niccola Machiavelli

You can't go anywhere with the cars of the past.

Maxim Gorky

He who does not try to be better cannot remain good.
Oliver Cromwell

Once a butterfly has wings, it never becomes a caterpillar.
Colin Wilson

Change is a door that can only be opened from the inside.
Terry Neil

A person can change his life by changing his thinking.

William James

The only person who was understanding towards me was my tailor.
Every time he saw it, he would take my measurements again.
Everyone else thought that the previous measurements would always suit me.
George Bernard Shaw

If you don't change what you do today, all of your tomorrows will look like yesterday. Jim Rohn


Be the change you want to see in the world.

People who will change the world
those who are crazy enough to think they can change it.
Steve Jobs – Apple Computer Ad

Objects do not change; we change.
Henry David Thoreau

If you think about how hard it is to change yourself,
You realize how little chance you have of changing others.

Why is a person afraid of change? What could have happened if there was no change? What could be the most pleasing to universal nature, or so fitting into its nature, other than change? If the wood you burned did not change, could you heat the water in which you were bathing? If food didn't change, would you be able to eat your food? And if there were no change, could any useful work be done? Don't you see that you have to change just like wood, and that this change is equally necessary for universal nature?  Marcus Aurelius

You don't need to change the whole world, just change yourself and you will start to change the whole world. Because you are part of the world. Even if a single person changes, this change will reach thousands of people. You will be the trigger for a revolution that will give birth to a whole new kind of humanity. Osho

I do not believe that the purpose of life is to be 'happy'. I think the purpose of life is to be helpful, responsible, and compassionate. The most important thing is to make a difference; To contribute is to represent something, to bring about a change by having lived. Leo Calvin Rosten

No one is against change, as long as it doesn't touch itself.
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar

Nothing stays behind unless you move forward.
Tayfun Topaloğlu

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela

When you change, your fortune changes too.
Portuguese Proverb

If you want to awaken all of humanity, awaken yourselves completely. If you want to end the suffering in the world, destroy the darkness and negative energy within you. In fact, the greatest gift you can give the world is your own change.
Lao Tzu

Everyone is thinking of changing the world, no one is thinking of changing himself.
Leo Tolstoy

You have to see what others can't see. See that others prefer not to see out of fear, harmony anxiety, laziness. Look, the whole world is being renewed every day.
Patch Adams

Find an idea to change the world and bring it to life!
Pay It Forward

Ne en güçlü olan tür hayatta kalır, ne de en zeki olan.
The most adaptable to change is the survivor.

Charles R Darwin

Love is healing. Love is power. Love is the magic of change.

Lord, give me the courage to change the things I can change, the patience to accept the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference. Anonymous

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a word, a listening ear, a kind word, or the smallest act of caring. All of these have the potential to change our lives. Leo Buscaglia

People do not realize that a person's whole life can be changed with a single book.
Malcolm X

The most interesting dilemma; It is only after I accept myself as I am that I can change.
Carl Rogers

 You can only change something if you let it change you.

Tayfun Topaloğlu

The only thing you can change is yourself; but sometimes that changes everything.
Gary W Goldstein

One of the things I noticed; I cannot change anyone without changing myself.

Nelson Mandela

If you don't change what you do today, all of your tomorrows will look like yesterday.

Jim Rohn

No matter how old we are, no matter what we've been through, it's possible to be completely renewed. If even one day earlier identical again, unfortunately. Every moment must be renewed every breath. To be born into a brand new life, he must die before he dies. Shams Tabrizi

You can't go anywhere with the cars of the past.

Maxim Gorky

Kendimizde yaptığımız her küçük olumlu değişiklik, gelecekte bizlere güven içinde karşılığını verir.

Alice Walker

Kabul edilemeyeni değiştirin ve değiştirilemeyeni kabul edin.

Reinhold Niebuhr

Sonsuzluğun mevcudiyetinde dağlar da bulutlar kadar geçicidir.

Robert Green Ingersoll

Değişimin öğrencisi olun. Değişmez kalacak tek şey budur.

Anthony J. D’Angelo

Bir günde yapabileceklerimizi abartıyoruz ve birkaç günde yapabileceklerimizi küçümsüyoruz.

John C. Maxwell

Bir şeyin mutlaka değişmesi gerektiğini düşünüyorsanız, düşünme biçiminizi değiştirin.

Lynn Grabhorn

Bir şeyi gerçekten anlamak istiyorsanız, onu değiştirmeyi deneyin.

Kurt Lewin

Değişime Dair En Yeni Özlü Sözler

Pozitif Özlü Sözler / Özdeyis.Net


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