Wake up to Dreams!

In this article, Tayfun Topaloğlu aims to awaken modern people from their sleep by shedding light on their lives.

You get out of bed reluctantly. The air is getting light again, there is a nighttime weariness on him. You are about to start a day again, where you remember every minute of it… You are wearing one of your usual clothes. You leave the house without even having breakfast. The weather is nice but you are closed. When you set off, you feel your feet sticking to the ground; They tell you that you don't want to go. But you must go; because someone can do this job without you. Your place in life can be filled at any moment… Well, what can fill the void inside you? Maybe this isn't the life you dreamed of. Everything could have been different…Who cares?

Fortunately, he comes to the rescue of the means to deceive himself. For example, you think of the bills that you had trouble paying the other day. It gives meaning to your problems. There is the unbearable lightness of living just for yourself.

Do you know how scarab beetles are born? Their mother lays them in a dung heap. As the fry eat the manure around them, they grow. Then those born do the same thing themselves. They continue their lives by eating their world.

You are doing a job that anyone can do in a place where you only sell your time. Maybe you're being treated like an insect. Or they make them feel how important it is to them… It doesn't matter! You are not in yourself. This is not what you really want. You feel it deep in your heart; but until now it has always been easier to suppress. You ignored the dream cries that were screaming inside you. You know, you had those childhood dreams..! Those dreams are now dreams. Now you are dealing with diseases, maybe you feel pains in your body that you cannot understand for days.

You suddenly hear a sound. It's not the doorbell. Or the voice of the lover who left you two days ago… The voice is getting unbearable. Could this be the alarm sound of your alarm clock? You slowly open your eyes… But didn't you just wake up..? Maybe you should wake up to dreams now..!

Tayfun Topaloğlu

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