Motivation of Teams

Ekiplerin Motivasyonu... Ekiplerin etkin şekilde motive edilmesinde uygulamacı ve araştırmacılara yol gösterecek motivasyon tekniklerinin yer aldığı temel bir çalışmadır.

Ekiplerin Motivasyonu... Ekiplerin etkin şekilde motive edilmesinde uygulamacı ve araştırmacılara yol gösterecek motivasyon tekniklerinin yer aldığı temel bir çalışmadır.

Motivation of Teams

Ekip olmak, günümüzün hızla değişen iş dünyasında üzerinde önemle durulan konuların başında gelmektedir. Çünkü kurumsal başarı için iyi ekipler oluşturmak ve ekiplerin sağlıklı şekilde idare edilmesi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Ancak farklı dünyalardan gelen bir grup insanı bir araya getirmek ve kurumsal hedefler doğrultusunda yönlendirmek kolay değildir. Güçlü bir liderlik ve özellikle de motivasyonel becerilere sahip olmayı gerektirir. Bireysel motivasyondan farklı olarak ekiplerin motive edilmesi farklı motivasyonel süreçleri göz önünde bulundurmayı gerektirir. Bu yazıda, ekiplerin motivasyonu için gerekli olan unsurları ele alıyor, uygulamacı ve araştırmacılara  faydalı olabilecek bilgileri ve teknikleri paylaşıyoruz.


Jenning said, “Man's greatest invention is not fire, wheel, energy or anything to do with the material world. He emphasized the importance of being a team by saying that the greatest invention of man in that country of thoughts is to work as a team by agreeing.

In today's fast-changing business environment, companies are structuring in small teams, aware of the fact that working in teams gives a competitive advantage, and they place great emphasis on getting the most out of the teams in long-term projects. Unlike individual motivation, ensuring the motivation of a group of people requires considering different factors. The aim of the teams is to achieve success by creating synergy in the realization of a job; however, failure may be inevitable in teams where motivation management is not applied effectively. Therefore, institutions that are project-based or that include teamwork in the process of doing business have to take important motivational measures and constantly improve this structure for their teams to work effectively.


1. Team Concept and Motivation Theory

1.1. The Importance of Motivation Management in Teams

The meaning of motivation, which has a very common practice and field of study today, expresses the process that includes the intensity, orientation and insistence of the person in his effort to achieve a goal (Robbins, 2003; 155). When considered in terms of work motivation, it refers to the effective management of the process of creating teams from the right people and intensifying, directing and maintaining their efforts in achieving a specific goal. Motivating and managing teams is important for:

-Motivasyonun etkin şekilde yönetimi, kurumların hedeflerine ulaşmasında çalışanlarının potansiyelini en üst noktada kullanabilme olanağını sağlamaktadır.

-Çalışan performansını en üst düzeye çıkartarak, insan kaynaklarından belirlenmiş hedefler doğrultusunda en iyi şekilde fayda sağlamaya imkan tanımaktadır.

-Bunun yanında motivasyon yönetimi, çalışanların işlerinden sağladıkları iş tatminini artırmayı ve işlerine sahip çıkarak bağlılık sağlamayı hedef almaktadır

The sum of the skills a team has represents the upper limit of what that team can do. However, it is very difficult to reach this potential in real terms. A team's motivation determines how close team members can get to this potential, thus fundamentally affecting the team's performance.


1.2. Ekip Kavramı

In fact, the concepts of team and team are concepts that have been used in the sports world for a long time. However, working in teams in the business world and benefiting from their synergy came to the fore later. Teams are communities of two or more people who come together to achieve predetermined goals, interdependent and acting together. Three important elements draw attention while defining the team (Eren, 2001):

-Ekibin oluşturulabilmesi için iki veya daha çok kişi gereklidir.

-Ekibi oluşturan kişiler birbirlerine bağımlıdırlar ve birlikte hareket ederler, yani sürekli olarak etkileşim halindedirler.

-Ekibi oluşturan kişiler belli bir amacı gerçekleştirmek için çalışırlar.

“Problemler, doğru insanlar bir araya geldiğinde fırsatlara dönüşür.” Robert Redford


The size and complexity of the job, the number of people on the team, the risk of the task, its duration, etc. situations are also effective. Ultimately, these can affect the process of capturing team spirit. Teams can be successful even if they do not show great harmony in simple, simpler projects and business processes where fewer people work and the level of task and responsibility is determined relatively easily. However, success in today's business world, especially in complex business processes such as space, technology and construction, where large investments are made and projects can continue for years, necessitates taking the motivation factor seriously in team management. Because each deviation from the targeted program, especially in the project management process, brings additional costs and can put the achievement of the task at risk.

Effective motivation of team members is one of the most important factors in creating effective teams and realizing successful projects. Choosing the right people and motivating these right people in the right way, especially when creating teams, is important in terms of achieving the intended goals. The project manager or leader has two important goals, such as creating the appropriate team and motivating them until the targeted work is completed. In addition, the business management should fully support this process and create appropriate working conditions with effective wage management.

Schmid ve Adams (2008)’a göre proje temelli iş yapan şirketlerde bir ekibin motivasyonu, projenin başlarında yüksek durumdadır (%88). Dolayısıyla ekip ruhu yaratmada bir proje yöneticisi veya liderinin yapması gereken motive etme çabalarına projenin daha başlarında ağırlık vermektir. Araştırmada bir ekibin motivasyon sürecini olumsuz etkileyen en önemli etkenler olarak şunlar belirtilmiştir (Schmid ve Adams, 2008):

-Üst yönetimin desteğini kaybetmek,

-Ekip üyeleri arasındaki kişisel çatışmaların varlığı,

-Proje amacının, maliyetinin, zamanının ve niteliğinin farklılaşması.


There are specific reasons for joining teams on an individual basis. The following questions come to mind when joining a team to accomplish certain tasks and also affect the decision-making process (Grazier, 1998):

-Ekibin amacı nedir?

-Benim ilgimi çeken bir konu mudur?

-Ekipte benimle birlikte kimler olacaktır?

-Ne türde bir otoriteye sahip olacağız?

-Bu, yönetim için önemli midir?

-Katılımdaki ödül nedir?

-Katılmamaktaki risk (ceza olarak algılanan) nedir?

-Ne kadar sürecek?

-Katılımımın bir sonucu olarak daha iyi durumda olacak mıyım?

1.3. Human Needs and Motivation Theories

Motivation theory studies the motivation process. Why people behave the way they do in business behavior in terms of their efforts and orientation; It also describes what organizations can do to encourage people to direct their efforts and talents to satisfy their own needs and to achieve the goals of the organization. The motivational process is more complex than many people realize, and effective functioning of motivational practices will be highly likely based on an understanding of what it entails (Armstrong, 1999: 105).

Motivation theories on employee motivation have revealed quite extensive and basic information. While the focus of the first theories was the discovery of motives and needs, later theories saw motivation as a process and the factors affecting this process were investigated. Motivating teams requires considering many motivational factors, both individually and as a group.

Revealing the outstanding motivations and needs of the team members is an important point for the team leader to get to know the team better and determine how to use these features to improve the team's performance.

By paying attention to motivation theory, a team manager can understand what motivates each individual on the team. Each individual will have different needs, fears and desires, and when the team manager is aware of these, management will be easier (Gale & Clay, 2005; 118).

Individuals whose personality is dominated by different motives will have different desires and behaviors in the business environment. For example, people with high achievement motivation want to compete in the work they do, always desire success, have high intrinsic motivation and are goal-oriented. Power-motivated individuals like to control their environment and other people. They love to influence, persuade, and take responsibility for other people. Individuals with a high motivation for independence, on the other hand, like to work alone, to do their own work on their own and in their own way. They do not like to be dependent on others or a systematic order. Individuals with a high motivation for close relationships, on the other hand, love to work with other people as social and friendly people. It is very important for them to have people they love and get along with in the business environment. Getting approval and acceptance from their environment is of primary value to them.

Every individual has these motives to a certain extent. However, they are driven by a pattern of the most dominant motive and their own accompanying secondary motives. Teams come together for different purposes, but the ultimate goal is to accomplish the task for which the team came together. Understanding the motivations of the team members is an important priority both in the formation of the team and in foreseeing the problems that may arise in the future, and in obtaining the highest level of performance from the team members.

2. Motivation of Teams and Key Factors Affecting Motivation

2.1. The Importance of Leadership in Team Motivation

A good leader can be a catalyst for motivation in the short run; but the best leaders are those who create the appropriate conditions for the team to motivate itself (Grazier, 1998). The role of the team leader in today's business world is expanding; By adding their new roles as a mentor, motivator or facilitator to their area of responsibility, they have a fundamental impact on the superior performance of their teams and the achievement of their final goals. Leaders increase team motivation both directly with the help of a series of motivational strategies and indirectly through their planning, coordination, personal development and feedback behaviors (Zaccaro et al., 2001; 468).

It can be thought that teams with leaders who set high performance goals, support team members to achieve these goals, and develop performance strategies to achieve these goals will show higher team effectiveness and commitment than teams with leaders who do not engage in such activities (Zaccaro et al., 2001; 469).

Leaders also ensure greater commitment by associating each team member's goals with the organizational or team mission. Because the achievement of the goal of the team also means the realization of one's own goals.

Great leaders have the ability to help employees see the best in themselves and act as a stimulant for self-actualization behaviors. They also understand that team members have specific needs, and they see that in order for motivation to develop and continue, they have to help team activities in some way to meet these needs (Grazier, 1998).

2.2. Key Factors Influencing Team Motivation

Getting the best out of people, achieving results through individuals and teams and maintaining a sustained high performance, and inspiring oneself and others to take action are all based on motivational skills (Adair 2003; 68).

Adair (2003; 55), insanları motive eden unsurları %50 %50 kuralıyla ifade etmiş, motivasyonun yarısının insanın kendisinden kaynaklandığını diğer yarısının ise onun çevresinden, özellikle de karşılaştığı liderlikten geldiğini belirtmiştir. Etkin ekipler yaratmada ve ekip üyelerini motive etmede (ekip liderinin veya yöneticisinin sorumlulukları açısından)  temel faktörler olarak şunlar ifade edilebilir:

2.2.1. As a team leader or manager, you must first be motivated yourself.

Adair (2003) expresses the pervasive effect of excitement and enthusiasm with these words: “Motivation is contagious, so you must be contagious too! If you are not motivated yourself, you cannot motivate others!” (Adair, 2003; 68). In order to motivate team members, the team leader must first focus on his own motivation. Employees who cannot see excitement in the leader or team manager will have difficulty in providing the necessary motivation.

It is very important that the project manager or leader is a good role model. He should have a positive impact on the project team, building the morale and attitude of the project team as a confident, optimistic leader with a positive attitude. Being a role model with work ethic and good attitude and behavior is contagious. If the members of the project team see that the project manager or leader is a good team player next to their leadership, they will respond positively to this (Brenner, 2007; 18).

2.2.2. Include highly motivated and talented individuals in the team.

Managers have to check whether individuals are in the right job with the right skills and abilities, otherwise motivational techniques will fail. According to Adair (2003; 69), the seven key components of high motivation are: 1. Energy; It is not necessary for one to be extroverted, but one must be shrewd and determined. 2. Commitment; must be of common purpose. 3. Stay strong; Must be able to stay strong when faced with problems, difficulties and setbacks. 4. Skill; Must have skills that specify goals and aspirations. 5. Single-mindedness; It is the directing of energy in one direction. 6. Pleasure; It goes hand in hand with this motivation. 7. Responsibility; willingness to seek and accept it.

Although it is possible for different teams to include individuals with different skills (for example, teams that prioritize creative features), it can generally be predicted that teams will consist of individuals with the following characteristics in order to achieve their goals, create synergy and provide high performance: positive thinking, self-confident, believing that he will succeed); more satisfied with the achievement motive; owning his work; willing and compatible to work together; open to learning, development and innovation; have a more positive and supportive attitude; people who have strong communication skills and each of them has sufficient skills in their own field.

It is important what kind of personality structures of team members have in determining the right people while creating teams. The internal-external motivational structure, optimism-pessimism tendencies, which motives (success, power, independence, close relationship, etc.) carry weight and the pattern of their motives, introverted-extraverted personality structure and AB personality styles should be determined. Understanding these will be important determinants in getting full efficiency from team members and their job satisfaction. Most importantly, it will provide the team leader or manager with the necessary data for the effective management of such a project or business team with different personality structures.

2.2.3. Treat each individual as a single person.

Each individual acts with different motives and purposes. Each individual joins the team to achieve these different goals. Therefore, these individuals should see the team as a tool to achieve their own ends. Recognition of this goal by the team leader can be used as an important technique in motivating individuals in the future. Without relying on general theory or assumptions, team members should be helped to find out what motivates them by establishing a dialogue with each team member by determining what motivates them (Adair, 2003; 70).

In addition, it is necessary to consider the "expectancy theory" introduced by Vroom and later developed by Porter and Lawler. According to Vroom (1964; 15-16), each individual has a value attributed to certain purposes. While obtaining it is valuable only for that individual, it may not mean any value to others. For example, when desiring to join groups, one's goal is to believe that being part of the group will increase their status in society, and may also desire to perform their job effectively because they expect it to result in a promotion.

In other words, the individual's power to act (i.e., his motivation) consists of the product of the individual's expectation that he will achieve the goal and the value (valence) that the person gives towards that goal. The person's expectation that the team will achieve its goal and the dimensions of the value given to this goal will be effective in ensuring that the person adheres to this goal and achieves it effectively. Accordingly, the team leader should create such an expectation in the team members.

2.2.4. Set realistic and challenging goals.

According to Locke's "goal setting theory", the goals that individuals set determine their motivation level. Accordingly, individuals who set goals that are difficult to reach and high will be more motivated and more successful than those who set goals that are easy to achieve. When considered in terms of team motivation, the value of the purpose of the team is closely related to the fact that it is challenging to achieve. Apart from this, it is also important that it is realistic enough to not be impossible.

The first of the two main propositions of the theory is that the goals a person sets for himself largely guide his behavior. The most important motivational factor affecting job performance is the goals and intentions of the individual. In addition, incentives given by the organization from the outside have an impact on job performance by influencing the goals and intentions of the employees (Onaran, 1981; 138).

In the model expressed as SMART, a method is set forth that each person can use to determine their goal (Gale & Clay, 2005; 126):

-Belirginlik (S= Spesific): Hedefler,  anlaşılmasını kolaylaştırmada açık şekilde tanımlanmasına ihtiyaç duyar.

-Ölçülebilirlik (M= Measurable): Bu, hedefin kolay şekilde ölçülebilmesi ihtiyacını ifade etmektedir. Bireysel sonuçlar, takım içinde rekabetçi bir element yaratmak için elverişli olmalıdır.

-Mütabıklık (A= Agreed): Anlaşma, bireysel hedefler üzerinde ekip üyeleriyle birlikte anlaşılarak yapılması gerektiğini ifade eder.

-Gerçekçilik (R= Realistic): Hedefler, ulaşılabilir ve gerçekçi olmalıdır. Verilen ödüller doğru bir odak ve çaba için güçlü bir motivasyonel faktördür.

-Zamanlılık (T= Timed): Ulaşılacak hedefler için spesifik zaman aralıkları yaratmayı ifade eder. Bunlarla bağlantılı ve iletişim halinde olunmalıdır.

To maintain a person's level of motivation and excitement, it is necessary to make sure they feel the goal is achievable. At the same time, each individual's goal will be different even if their ultimate goal is the same (Gale & Clay, 2005; 112). The team should be approached as a group of people with different needs and goals. This will help to understand personal motivation. It will also help them become a better team leader, improve the quality of communication, increase the confidence of the team, and encourage their desire to achieve the best of their abilities (Gale and Clay, 2005; 112).

2.2.5. Remember that progress and improvement motivate individuals.

Personal and team development is another fundamental point in maintaining motivation. When people feel they are making progress, learning new concepts, gaining new skills, and improving their thinking, they tend to remain highly motivated. Personal growth adds value to the individual by increasing his or her self-esteem and self-worth (Grazier, 1998).

Feedback on progress encourages or helps people concentrate on what is needed to get the job done. However, feedback is not always given or is often not sufficient. The reasons for this are generally based on the following views (Adair, 2003; 74):

-“İnsanlar, nasıl yapıyor oldukları hakkında konuşulmasına ihtiyaç duymazlar; zaten biliyorlardır.”

-“Eğer her şeyin iyiye gittiğini söylerseniz, rahat davranırlar.”

-“Eğer hiçbir şeyin iyiye gitmediğini söylerseniz, mutsuz olurlar ve canları sıkılır.”

-“Becerilerde ya da bunu yapma zamanı konusunda eksiklik taşımaktayızdır.”

2.2.6. Give importance to communication

Communication is also important. Keeping the project team informed and informed is vital. Whether communication is formal or informal, written or verbal, it helps the team shape its focus and gives a clearer idea of their role and what is expected of them. Thus, they understand their individual goals, but also see the overall goal of the team for a successful project. Good communication from the team leader and between team members will help increase the working relationship between all team members so that they can work towards the same end result goal (Brenner, 2007; 19). In communication, “listening skill” plays a very important role. Being an effective listener includes considering the following factors (Brenner, 2007; 19):

-Karşınızdaki kişi konuşurken göz kontağı kurun ve ona tüm dikkatinizi verin,

-Karşındaki konuşurken sözünü kesmeyin ve bitirmesini bekleyin,

-Beden diline dikkat edin. Kollarınızı çapraz şekilde değil, dinleyici pozisyonunda tutun ve onaylamasanız da başınızı onu dinlediğinizi gösterir şekilde sallayın,

-Kişinin ne söylediğini açık hale getirin ve onaylatın, kısa şekillerde ne söylediğini tekrarlatın. Bu, konuşmacının söylediği şeyin dinleyen kişi tarafından anlaşıldığını gösterecektir.

2.2.7. Create a motivating work environment.


The importance of the effect of the work environment on motivation and job satisfaction has been expressed in many studies and theories. In particular, Herzberg stated in his theory “Hygiene FactorsIt should be noted that ” is provided, but it should be noted that these factors only prevent dissatisfaction. According to this;

-Kontrole aşırı vurgu yaparak kısıtlayıcı bir organizasyon yaratmak çalışanların iş tatminini olumsuz etkilemektedir.

-İş sürecinde çalışanlara optimum otonomi sağlanmalı ve kontrol sistemleri sadece gerektiği yerde işleve sokulmalıdır.

-Çalışanlara, onların çalışma yaşamlarını etkileyen kararlara katılma hakkı verilmeli, böylece eylem ve sonuçlardan sorumluluk alınması sağlanılmalıdır.

-Tekrarlayıcı işlerden kaçınarak ve çeşitlilik sağlayarak, iş dizaynına önem gösterilmelidir. Ayrıca iş güvenliğinin sağlandığına emin olunmalıdır.

-Çalışma koşullarının ekibin amaçlarını gerçekleştirmesi için iyi şekilde dizayn edilmesine özen gösterilmelidir. Özellikle gerekli fiziksel cihazların ve materyallerin ekibin hizmetine tahsisi, ekibe moral verecek ve üst yönetimin yanında oldukları izlenimini verecektir.

It is very important to create an environment where teams can focus on their work by being on their own and in isolation from the external environment. Creating a place called the "War Room" where teams can work together is essential to obtaining effective results. In such places, teams can put visual documents related to their projects or tasks on their own walls, boards, etc. They will be able to hang around, discuss and share their ideas about their projects and work without outside interference. The "motivating factors" in Herzberg's theory are the main factors in ensuring the motivation of the team. Accordingly, the fact that the work carried out by the team provides recognition to the team, gives a sense of success and responsibility, and provides a personal development opportunity for each member of the team will keep the motivation of the team alive.


2.2.8. Give fair, equitable rewards and give importance to reward management.

Awards have an important role in affecting the motivation of team members positively and negatively. The quantity, quality, frequency of awards and most importantly whether they are distributed fairly will affect the performance of the team positively and negatively. In terms of ensuring team spirit, it is very important that the performance and contribution match the size of the award.

In his “reward justice and equality theory”, Adams determined that individuals always compare the rewards given to them with the rewards given to others, and they try to determine how much the rewards deemed appropriate for them are equal to those who show similar success. In this comparison, individuals show their efforts, intelligence, knowledge, experience and abilities as inputs or values they offer to the organization and their successes accordingly. On the other hand, the rewards they provide from the organization are wage and status increases, bonuses, bonuses and similar social benefits, administrative powers and resources, job security and improving workplace conditions and similar issues. Individuals compare the ratios of these two elements to each other to determine reward justice (Eren, 2001; 522).

The individual makes an evaluation by comparing his own output/input ratio with the output/input ratio of others. sense of equality; It does not require perceived outputs and inputs to be equal, but simply requires that their ratios be the same or equal. When comparing himself to others, the individual may think that he deserves higher wages because he works so hard. Then this individual's output/input ratio is considered higher. Here, the individual compares the rewards he receives as a result of the inputs he offers to the organization with other people. It should be noted here that these comparisons, averages and groups being compared are subjective perceptions of the individual (Moorhead et al., 1989; 135).

2.2.9. Appreciate every individual on the team at the slightest opportunity.

Financial rewards are perceived by the person as a tangible indication of appreciation. There are different ways of expressing contributions. If appreciation is not shown, the individual may feel that he is not noticed, valued and rewarded. This can cause a decrease in desire and energy level. Recognition can be formal or informal for the individual and team. For appreciation, the following can be done (Adair, 2003; 78):

-Her bir ekip üyesine adil ve eşit bir şekilde davranın,

-Gerçek başarı ya da katkıları ödüllendirin,

-Organizasyonun temel değerlerini yansıtın,

-Bunu bir rehber ve tüm düşünceleri desteklemek için kullanın,

-Mümkünse bunu herkesin önünde yapın,

-Çalıştığınız insanların isimlerini bilin, bu takdir etmenin basit bir şeklidir.

As a result, all these factors should be taken into consideration in motivating the teams, and they should be emphasized in terms of the success of a project and business processes as a team. Thus, companies strengthen the possibility of not making the possible motivational mistakes that Peterson (2007; 63-65) states about motivation:

-Yöneticiler kendilerini motive eden şeylerin, başkalarını da motive ettiğini düşünürler,

-İnsanlar özellikle parayla motive edilirler,

-Ekip üyeleri, formal ödüller almayı severler,

-“Rally sloganı” verin gerisi kolay görüşü vardır,

-En iyi proje lideri, güçlü bir amigodur,

-Bu çalışanlar birer profesyonel, o nedenle motive edilmeye ihtiyaç duymazlar,

-Problem çıktığında onları motive ederim,

-Herkese aynı şekilde davranacağım, insanlar bunu severler. Bu onları motive edecektir.


The aim in management is to reach the targeted results in the targeted time, cost and effectiveness. Especially in long-term projects and tasks, it becomes difficult to maintain the same performance and to achieve results at the desired time and cost due to the increasing importance of the time factor and encountering difficult problems. In this process, it is necessary to see the motivation of the teams as an important management problem and to show a proactive management behavior in the realization of the goals.

In this study, various factors that affect the motivation of the teams are emphasized. But of course, it is not limited to these only. It can be applied in teams that come together for different tasks, taking into account different techniques depending on the quality and quantity of the work. However, the motivational measures expressed here are the most basic practices to be considered. And it has an importance to be considered even in the simplest teamwork.

As a result, the personality and behaviors of the team leader or manager are the most important factors in motivating teams. The person who will analyze the characteristics and needs of the team members one by one and use this as an important tool in achieving the goal of the project is the leader of the team. As the leader of the team, his enthusiasm and excitement about the project before anyone else will positively affect other team members. In addition, it is the leader's responsibility to include individuals in the team who meet the team's goals and have the necessary characteristics for the success of the project or task.

In addition, the business management has important responsibilities in activating the performance of the team, creating a positive work environment physically and mentally and performing the reward management well. It is also an important factor in the success of the project to match the purpose of the team, the purpose of the business and the goals of the individual individuals. The determined goals must have clear, timely and motivating features, both individually and as a team. It is also important to provide the team members with the necessary information about the results in a timely and accurate manner. The subject of communication has a great impact not only as a means of conveying information, but also in terms of motivating the team, establishing trust among the members and ensuring a good team spirit. Finally, it is very important to keep in mind that each individual comes with different motives, goals and expectations when joining the team and that each must be treated as a separate person.


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One thought on “Ekiplerin Motivasyonu


    I have come across very carefully prepared and valuable information. Thank you

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