Take Action to Make a Difference

Fark Yaratmak İçin Harekete Geç... Hayatta önce farkı yaratırsın, sonra da fark yaratırsın. Fark yaratmak için hareket geçmeye var mısın?

Fark Yaratmak İçin Harekete Geç... Hayatta önce farkı yaratırsın, sonra da fark yaratırsın. Fark yaratmak için hareket geçmeye var mısın?

Take Action to Make a Difference

The thoughts you put into your life, not the ones you think about, lead you to your dreams… How? Let's take a closer look at this.


A thought comes to my mind. Let's express each thought with zero. Maybe it's about my job, maybe it's about my life or any problem I have... I'm starting to believe that everything will be fine. Then I continue to think about it a little more. No problems so far. Everything looks fine. But when my mind is overflowing with thoughts from thinking all the time, from that point on, something starts to go wrong. I do analysis, I try to perfect my thoughts. As I do this, I see that I am wasting time and my excitement is starting to fade.

Finally, I become a victim of my pessimistic thoughts. I feel like I'm missing out on opportunities one by one. At this stage you can see that the thoughts in my mind, namely the zeros, are of no use to me. I always go back. I'm getting away from the result.

First you make the difference in life, then you make the difference.

I know that in today's world, if I am not a philosopher, inactive thinking will do me no good. All I get is zero times zero, it'll be zero again.

But when I take action and take one small step, just one small step, I feel like I'm making a real difference. Let's express this with the number 1. Isn't that all I need anyway? Instead of thinking more, take action. So I'm starting to trust myself more. My thoughts take on a different meaning. With each bold step I take, I create a new reality for myself. When I take a second step, I'm starting to get results now. With this new reality, my thoughts take on a whole new meaning. After taking action, I see things I never noticed before and move forward more strongly. All my next steps now turn into a strong determination that brings me closer to the result I want.

Can you take a look at the size of the number I got? This is the power of action! As a cowboy philosopher said, first you make the difference in life, and then you make a difference… Well, are you ready to take action to make a difference?

Tayfun Topaloğlu

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