Don't Shadow, I Don't Want Another Ihsan

Diogenes did not stand up to Alexander. He never broke down. While thousands of people were breaking away because Alexander was coming, he did not even move from his place. “What are you doing, don't you know who's coming? they bullied him.

Alexander: “Stop, don't touch!…Can't you see? People are getting up and down because Alexander is coming. If you don't, don't you know Alexander?" said.
Diogenes: “I know. I know him well and I know you well too.”
Alexander: “Then tell me! Who am I?"
Diogenes said: “You are my slave (you are my prisoner)”.
Alexander was shaken. He couldn't stand still and got off his horse. “What does that mean?” said.
Diogenes: “You are killing people for the land. The world is my prisoner, my slave. You too have become a slave to my slave. Who will stand up for whom?” said.
Alexander accepted this. He realized that Diogenes was a great philosopher and said: "Ask me whatever you want!"
Diogenes: "Don't overshadow, I don't want any other favors."

Another version of this anecdote is told as follows: One day, while Alexander the Great was walking around the city, he saw Diogenes living like a dog with a sackcloth and a bag of bread. He asks the men next to him who this man is and learns that Diogenes is a philosopher. Alexander, who has a love for philosophy, approaches the barrel. Diogenes is lying in the sun-drenched barrel. Alexander the Great introduces himself to Diogenes and asks if he wants something from him. His answer will go down in history. Diogenes only says to Alexander the Great, the emperor of a huge and rich state, "Don't overshadow, I don't want any other favors".

“Wisdom Stories”

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