Thief and Mystic

It occurred to me…
A thief had entered a mystic's hut.
It was a full moon night and he had entered it by mistake; Or what can you find in a mystic's house?
The thief was looking and was surprised to see that there was nothing.
And suddenly he saw the man coming with a candle in his hand.
“What are you looking for in the dark? Why didn't you wake me up?
I was sleeping right near the front door and I could show you the whole house,” the man said.

And he looked so simple and innocent that it was as if no one had even thought of being a thief.
In the face of such innocence and simplicity, the thief
“Perhaps you do not know that I am a thief,” he said.
Mystic said, “It doesn't matter, everyone has to be something.
The point is, I've been at home for thirty years and couldn't find anything, so let's search together!
And if we can find something, we can be partners.
I couldn't find anything in this house; it is empty,” he said.
The thief was a little frightened; this guy looked a little weird!
What if he went crazy… who knows what kind of man he was? He wanted to escape.
He had left outside the house the things he had brought with him from the previous two houses.
The mystic had only one blanket—it was all he had—
and it was a cold night, so to the thief,
“Don't leave like this, don't humiliate me like that;
otherwise I will never be able to forgive myself for sending a poor man who came to my house in the middle of the night empty-handed.
Take this blanket. And it will be good like this; it's cold outside.
"I'm inside the house, it's warmer here," he said.
He wrapped the thief with a blanket. The thief was about to lose his mind! "What are you doing? I am a thief!” said.
The mystic said, “This is not important. Everyone in this world has to be someone, do something.
Maybe you're stealing, it doesn't matter; profession is profession.
Just do it well, I bless you. Make it perfect, don't get caught;
Otherwise, you will be in trouble.”
“You are strange. You are naked and you have nothing…” said the thief.
The mystic said, “Don't worry because I'm coming with you!
Only the blanket kept me in this house; otherwise there is nothing in this house and I gave you the blanket.
I'm coming with you; We will live together!
And it seems that you have many things; it's a good partnership.
I gave my all to you, you can give me a little; That would be fair,” he said.
The thief could not believe it. He just wanted to escape from this place and this man.
“No, I can't take you. I have a wife, I have children.
And what would the neighbors say if I took a naked man to my house…?” said.
"This is true. I will not put you in an embarrassing position.
Then you can go, I will stay in this house,” said the mystic.
And as the thief was leaving, the mystic shouted, “Hey! Come back!"
The thief had never heard such a powerful voice; came out like a knife.
He had to go back.
Mystic said, “Learn some courtesy. I gave you the blanket and you didn't even thank me.
So thank you first; this will help you a lot.
Second, you opened the door on the way in…close the door on the way out!
Can't you see that the night is so cold and I'm giving you the blanket and I'm naked?
It's okay to be a thief, but I'm a tough guy when it comes to manners.
I can't handle this kind of behavior. Thank you!” said.
The thief had to say, "Thank you, sir," and slipped out, closing the door.
Couldn't believe what happened! He couldn't sleep all night. He remembered over and over again…
He had never seen such a powerful voice, such power. And the man had nothing!
The next day he researched and found out that he was a unique Master.
He had done nothing good; it was so ugly to go to this poor man,
had nothing. But he was a great Master.
“I realize even to myself that he is a very strange man.
Throughout my life, I have come into contact with all kinds of people, from the richest to the poorest, but never…
Even remembering it gives me chills in my body.
When he called me back, I couldn't run away.
I was absolutely free, I could grab things and run away, but I couldn't.
There was something in his voice that pulled me back,” the thief said to himself.
A few months later the thief was caught and the judge asked him in court:
“Can you name someone around here who knows you?”
He said, "Yes, someone knows me," and said the Master's name.
The judge said, “This is enough; Summon the master. His testimony is worth the testimony of ten thousand people.
"What he has to say about you will be enough to make a judgment."
The Judge asked the Master, "Do you know this man?"
“Recognition? We are partners! He is my friend,
he even came to visit me in the middle of the night once.
It was so cold that I gave him my blanket. He's using it, you can see.
This blanket is famous all over the country, everyone knows it is mine,” said the mystic.
The judge said, “Is he your friend? So, does he steal?” she asked.
The master said, “Never! He can never play.
He is such a kind man that when I gave him the blanket,
'Thank you, sir,' he said.
When he got out of the house, he quietly closed the door. He is a very kind, nice man,” she said.
The judge said, “If you say so, all the testimonies of the witnesses who said he was a thief have been cancelled.
He is free,” he said. The mystic went out and the thief followed him.
The mystic said, “What are you doing? Why are you coming with me?" she asked.
“I can never leave you now. You called me your friend, you called me your partner.
Nobody showed me any respect.
You are the first person to say that I am a kind man, a nice person.
I will sit at your knees and learn to be like you.
Where did you get this maturity, this strength, this resilience, this ability to see everything in a completely different way?” he said, too.
“Do you know how bad I felt that night?
you were gone; It was so cold that it was impossible to sleep without a blanket.
I was sitting by the window watching the full moon and I wrote a poem:
'If I were rich enough, I would come to a poor man's house in the dark looking for something.
I'd give this poor man that perfect Moon.
If I had been rich enough, I would have given the Moon, but I am poor myself.'
I'll show you the poem, come with me.
I cried that night, saying that thieves need to learn some things.
They should give a man like me at least a day or two notice of their arrival so that
so we can arrange something so we don't send them empty-handed.
And it's good that you remembered me in court; otherwise these guys are dangerous, they could treat you badly.
I offered to come with you and be partners that night, but you turned me down.
Now you want to come with me!
It's okay, you can come; I will share with you what I have.
But it is not a material thing, it is an invisible thing,” replied the mystic.
The thief said, “I can feel it; it is something invisible.
But you saved my life and my life is yours.
Whatever you want to do with it, I've been wasting it.
As I see you, as I look into your eyes, one thing is certain; You can completely transform me.
I've been in love since that night," he said.


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