Inner Career: “Journey to Yourself”

İçsel Kariyer: "Kendine Yolculuk" İçsel kariyer, insanın farkındalıkla ve yüksek bir bilinçle kendi’sine doğru olan yolculuğunu ifade eder.

İçsel Kariyer: "Kendine Yolculuk" İçsel kariyer, insanın farkındalıkla ve yüksek bir bilinçle kendi’sine doğru olan yolculuğunu ifade eder.

Inner Career: “Journey to Yourself”

“Uyanık insanları bekleyen tek ama tek bir görev vardır: kendini aramak, kendi içinde bir sağlamlığa kavuşmak, el yordamıyla kendine özgü yolda ilerlemek, yolun nereye çıkacağına aldırmamak… Bu beni derinden sarsmıştı, söz konusu yaşantının meyvesi buydu benim için. Sık sık geleceğin hayalleriyle oynamıştım, belki şair ya da peygamber, belki ressam, belki daha başka biri olarak gelecekte beni bekleyen rolleri düşlemiştim. Bütün bunlar hiçti. Ben şiir yazmak, vaaz vermek, resim yapmak için gelmemiştim dünyaya; ne ben ne de bir başkası öyle bir amaç için dünyada bulunuyordu. Bunların hepsi arada baş gösterip ikinci planda kalan şeylerdi. Herkes için gerçekte bir tek uğraş vardı; kendini bulmak.”

These lines written by Hesse in his book Demian have always deeply affected his readers. In these words, which are expressed with a wisdom that goes beyond its time, the author sees life as a means of reaching the 'self'. Every person internally feels the existence of a great purpose other than the goals that society imposes on him. Sometimes it's a deep voice, sometimes it's a tickling or an urge state. However, the outside sound of the modern world often prevails over this reproach.

People from all walks of life strive for the existence of society and seek ways to be a cog in the system wheel in this world. Most people who spend about 10 hours a day engaged in work-related pursuits spend it working in a job they dislike. The expectations of the external world often have a monotony that pushes people away from themselves. In fact, the society doesn't care much about how alienated you are from yourself. It doesn't matter how aware you are of life for the outside world; Most of the time, it matters whether you do your duty or not, where you come from in the wheel.

Any career process in professional or private life is a tool that serves people to reach their own purpose. However, when the tool becomes the goal, it causes people to move away from themselves over time. Today, professions have become a "means of subsistence" and have lost value from their spiritual meaning, and the responsibility of making one's life meaningful has been placed on his shoulders. However, the outside world did not fail to offer the means to make one's life meaningful. All of these include self-discovery and awareness process; that is, it interrupts his journey to himself.

After all, if there is one thing to be understood, it is that man himself is at the center and core of the world. Man is not only towards the outside world; he has to make his way towards the center, that is, towards himself, towards his own essence. This journey to the Self constitutes the inner career process of man.

Inner career refers to a person's journey towards himself with awareness and a higher consciousness. It is a never-ending effort to look at the world from within, to realize oneself and to see where you are in life. This process is a challenging yet enjoyable one. Self-discovery, overcoming limits, questioning their beliefs; and it is a way of assimilating life.

The reward of the inner career is the ability to experience a more mindful and self-fulfilling life. The requirements for this career are highly subjective, but still there are general requirements. The field of occupation is one's own inner career; man works on himself, questions the values and beliefs imposed on him; they try to break their patterns by having different “experiences”; thus, he strives to look at life differently and ultimately to surpass himself. The person on the inner career path is not outside the society, he is aware that he cannot reach himself by sitting in his glass mansion; It has to be with people.

External career is, of course, necessary and a necessity of being in society. It is a way of being in life. However, the importance of the external career is highly correlated with how much it supports the internal career. Inner career is the journey within oneself to one's own peak. Maybe it is the door to eternal happiness that opens from within.

“Come, whatever you are, come anyway,” says Mevlana; perhaps the continuation of this phrase should be as follows in the context of inner career; “…come whatever you are, as long as you come (right) to yourself!”

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