Change Your Beliefs and Thoughts

A person's life is a reflection of his beliefs and thoughts. All the developments that occur in our lives make sense from this point of view. Because unless we change our beliefs and thoughts that do not benefit or even harm us, it is not possible for us to build the future we want. For this change to happen, we do not need to wait for something negative to happen to us.

If you are not satisfied with the way your life is going, you can start by questioning the function of your current beliefs and thoughts in your life. First, try to notice the thoughts that run through your mind and the deeper belief patterns. You can try writing for it. As you become more aware of the thoughts running through your mind, it will be possible to replace them with better and more useful ones.

Serge King, in his work titled “Imagination Engineering”, has proposed a method for how we can create this change. According to him, it is possible to reprogram the subconscious by repeating a simple sentence or phrase. For example, if you are someone who gets sick all the time. You can choose a sentence such as “I am always in good health”… The prerequisite for this kind of belief change is to change your beliefs and change your life. that you can change you really believe. King's method includes the following steps (2006):

  • Get into a comfortable position and relax.
  • Remind yourself that the facts of life are actually nothing more than our thoughts about reality; say that by changing your views you are changing your life from now on.
  • Suppose you forgot everything you ever believed about the issue you want to tackle: pretend to forget.
  • Begin chanting your new sentence of faith over and over again, for no less than five minutes and no longer than ten minutes.
  • If necessary, keep your mind on the subject by imagining images of what results your new belief might produce.
  • Use exciting exhilarating emotions to power your subconscious programming.
  • End the session and return to your daily, normal life.


It is recommended that we do this work at least once a day and that even if you start to see some changes in your life, you should continue this work without interruption until you make this new belief a fact of your life.

Source: Serge King (2006) Imagination Engineering (Trans. Yonca Hancıoğlu) Kuralsız Publishing, 2nd Edition, İstanbul pp.147-148

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