Clear Your Head / Relax and Focus

Kafanızı Boşaltın / Rahatlayın ve Odaklanın... Bu imgeleme tekniğini, kafanızın dağınık olduğu, net düşünemediğiniz veya bir soruna çözüm aradığınız zamanlarda rahatlıkla kullanabilirsiniz.

Kafanızı Boşaltın / Rahatlayın ve Odaklanın... Bu imgeleme tekniğini, kafanızın dağınık olduğu, net düşünemediğiniz veya bir soruna çözüm aradığınız zamanlarda rahatlıkla kullanabilirsiniz.

Clear Your Head / Relax and Focus

It's not easy to focus on what's important when our minds are full of useless thoughts. One way to fully utilize our mental potential is to be able to empty our minds. Creative imagery allows unlimited use of imagination for a purpose.

You can easily use this visualization technique, which I will share with you shortly, when your head is scattered, you cannot think clearly or you are looking for a solution to a problem.


During this work, you should try to use all your senses actively and visualize even the smallest detail in your mind. In the meantime, if you wish, you can close your eyes and concentrate better on what I am saying. Now get into a comfortable position and create a quiet environment where you can concentrate on yourself.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, our minds are busy with many thoughts, big and small. Maybe you are in just such a situation right now. First, try to think of each thought that is occupying your mind at the moment, in order. What's on your mind?

If all these thoughts in your mind had a unique shape, what exactly would they be, what would they look like? Imagine one! Try to identify the shape, color and all other characteristics of each thought that occupies your mind.


Now imagine you have a cap over your head. So much so that when you lift this cover, you can see all the shapes that symbolize the thoughts in your head. Now gently lift the cover. It's like opening a box. All the thoughts inside your head are just there, turned into tangible objects. But they are all in a complex and disorderly way. That's the problem!

If you find it difficult to form thoughts into a shape, try to imagine them by analogy with familiar objects.

For example, if some of your thoughts are about a person, you can imagine that person as a trinket. Now I want you to take each one out one by one. Put your hand inside your head and take those objects out in turn. You can imagine putting them on a table standing in front of you. You know best what each shape represents. Feel their weight as they take them out of your head, notice their size, whether they are rough or wet, hear their voices. You arrange each of them on the table in an orderly manner. It will be good for you to see the concrete versions of your thoughts in front of you. After completing all these processes, make sure that nothing else is left in your head. Feel it with one hand, see if there's anything left. Feel that deep emptiness. There are no longer any thoughts occupying your mind. All thoughts are out. You can see each of them and touch them one by one. At this point, you may feel your head relax and your mind relax.

What you do after that is entirely up to you. If you are comfortable that way, you can leave things as they are and enjoy this space. Or you may want to focus and reflect on any one of them. So just put it in your head. You can bring the important ones in and leave the unnecessary ones out. The choice is yours! Try to place what you put in in order of priority. For example, you can put the important ones at the top and the others at the back. While doing all these operations, try to see and feel in detail. Remember, your imagination has no limits. If all is well, all you have to do is close the lid on your head again. That is all! 

You can complete the study when you feel ready. If you can do this visualization by feeling and focusing, you can be sure that you will eventually find your mind refreshed and clear.

Tayfun Topaloğlu

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Wash Your Brain: Relax Your Mind With Creative Imagery

Creative Imagination Techniques

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