Words of Determination and Perseverance

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Kararlılık ve Azimle İlgili En İyi Özlü Sözler

Kararlılık ve Azim Sözleri... Kararlılık ve azimle ilgili en güzel özlü sözler, kararlı olmak üzerine en iyi özdeyişler

If you want something, ask for it until the end!

Success is tied to being on the move. Successful people stay on the move. They make mistakes; but they don't give up. Conrad Hilton

Dünyadaki en önemli şeylerin çoğu, hiç umut gözükmediği halde denemeye devam eden insanlar tarafından gerçekleştirilmiştir. Dale Carnegie

One of the interesting things about life is for those who accept nothing but the best. it usually gives the best. W. Somerst Maugham

It is not the strength of the water that penetrates the stone, but the continuity of the drips. Latin Proverb

A lot of people give up when they're about to make it. But you never know if an obstacle you encounter is not the last. Chuck Norris

If you are determined about something, you have accomplished more than half of the work. Always keep this in mind; Your determination to succeed is more important than anything else. Abraham Lincoln

Once you have mastered time, you will realize how people overestimate what they can do in a year, but underestimate what they can do in ten years. Anthony Robbins

Durmadan devam ettiğin sürece, ne kadar yavaş gittiğinin bir önemi yoktur. Confucius

Yorulduğunda dinlenmeyi öğren, bırakmayı değil! Muhammad Ali


Nothing in the world can replace perseverance. Talent cannot. There are many talented but unsuccessful people. Neither can intelligence. Unnoticed intelligence is just a cliché. Education does not. The world is full of educated fools. The power of perseverance and determination is unlimited. Calvin Coolidge

Even if you paint for a million years, your masterpiece will always be your next painting. Each time you will see something in your picture that you want to improve. Some of the letters I have received read something like: “I made a painting but I was not satisfied with the result…” This is a wonderful thing. Because it makes people want to start the next painting. You will understand what is wrong… I hope you will have such feelings from time to time throughout your life and eventually you will try to reach the best and improve yourself. Bob Ross

No mountain is high enough to keep me from reaching you; no valley is low enough, no river is wide enough. Nickolas Ashford

The only difference between the impossible and the possible is is the degree of determination of the human being. Thomas C. Lasorda

  Bilgi insanı şüpheden, iyilik acı çekmekten, kararlı olmak korkudan kurtarır. Confucius

Your determination with the doors closed in your face, Your courage is also tested with doors closed behind you. Tayfun Topaloğlu

"Yüzüne kapatılan kapılar ile kararlılığın, arkandan kapatılan kapılar ile de cesaretin test edilir." Tayfun Topaloğlu

It is only perseverance that is strong, invincible. Yahya Kemal Beyatli

Important things cannot be done at once; It is made up of little things. Vincent Van Gogh

Believe in human determination. Throughout history, it has shown that; The human will is stronger than any known weapon. Dalai Lama

Strength does not come from physical capacity, but from unyielding will. Gandhi

The height that great people reach and maintain is not reached by a sudden leap. They persevered at night trying to climb up while the others slept. H. W. Longfellow

Flowing water never grows algae; so you have to keep flowing. Bruce Lee



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The real strength of man is not in the leap, but in his unshakable stance. Tolstoy

You'd be surprised how many people have good ideas. But dedication to something, true dedication requires sacrifice… That's what's hard! The Fifth Estate

Some failures are because people don't know how close they are to success when they quit. Thomas Edison

Never give up on anything; because those who give up are only losers. Abraham Lincoln 

Efforts bear fruit only when one does not give up. Napoleon Hill

He who is not afraid of losing is on the verge of winning.
American Proverb

It is very difficult to beat a person who never gives up.
Babe Ruth

The world remembers those who persevere, not those who give up.

If you want to reach the rainbow, you have to endure the rain.
Dolly Parton

Daima ara. Bugün altın ararken bakır bulursun, yarın bakır ararken altın.
Cenap Şahabettin

Obstacles cannot intimidate me. Every obstacle pushes me towards an inevitable change for the better. A person who has his eye on a star does not change his mind. Leonardo da Vinci

Be like a postage stamp. Stick to it until you reach something. Josh Billings

If you only walk on sunny days, you will not reach your destination.  Heaven & Earth

Gerekirse dinlen, ama sakın pes etme.  John Greenleaf Whittier

No vapor or gas can produce a power without being compressed. No river is transformed into light and energy without passing through tunnels. No life can thrive without focus, dedication, and discipline. Harry Emerson Fosdick

Those who decide to set out with no rest will never, ever get tired. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

You always tried. You've always been defeated. Let it be. Try again. Defeat again. Beat better. Samuel Beckett


You've never failed until you stop trying. Albert Einstein

You know what made the world what it is today? Half deeds, half talks, half sins, half goodness. Go all the way, human! Nikos Kazantzakis

If you're about to give up, think of what's waiting for you at the top!

Regardless of the severity of the storm, the seagull never gives up on the sea it loves. Alfred Capus

Your destiny is broken where your determination is firm. Tayfun Topaloğlu

Nothing can be done except little by little. Charles Baudelaire

If you can't fly, run; If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl; but keep moving. Keep moving forward. Martin Luther King

As you keep the thought of being strong and useful in your mind, you will find that you really start to be that way. Opportunities will arise as you persist. Elbert Hubbard

At least gnaw on the chain you cannot break. Cenap Şehabettin

After a concert, a fan of the famous violinist Fritz Kreisler runs up to him and enthusiastically says, 'I would give my whole life to play as well as you'. Kreister replies: 'I gave it.'  George B. Shaw

Those who make progress in this world are those who concentrate on going step by step.  Og Mandino

Be like ivy! Hold on tight to your dream until it comes true. Tayfun Topaloğlu

When I am desperate, I go, find a stonemason and watch him. The man may hit the stone a hundred times; but not to break, even a tiny crack cannot form in it. Then suddenly, at the one hundred and first hit, the stone splits in two. That's when I realize that it's not the last blow that splits the stone, but the ones before it. Jacob Riis

It is not what we do occasionally that shapes our lives, but what we do constantly. Anthony Robbins

If you give up in the middle, you will never see the end. Joyce Meyer

Dream loves fidelity! Tayfun Topaloğlu

Şurada burada güçlü adımlarla dolaşmaktansa, doğru yolda sekerek yürümek iyidir. A. Augustine

The winners of the race are always those who go slowly and steadily. Aesop

The distance between one's imagination and the fulfillment of one's dreams can only be overcome by one's intense desire. Khalil Gibran

There is one thing that my experience has taught me: People who follow their dreams with firm steps and make an effort to live the life they desire meet with success unexpectedly. Henry D Thoreau

If you don't have the grades or money to go to college, take classes. If you want that job even though you weren't accepted, lie on your doorstep. Go to all the classes, do the errands, get a job. People get to know you. Eventually they will accept you; because you are part of that group. Not only will they respect you for your determination, they will love you for it. It will take time, maybe a year; but you will be inside, not outside. Paul Arden

Not just for one day, but every day.  Tayfun Topaloğlu

Don't stop trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, you cannot go astray. Ella Fitzgerald

Never give up searching; because at the end of it, you'll be back where you started and rediscover it. TS Eliot

If you want to be the champion, fight one more round. James Corbett

The door opens, as long as you know how to hit! When, I don't know! As long as you know how to stand at that door! Mevlana

If the expected day will come, the suffering is sacred. Victor Hugo

Success is often hanging on the tightrope after the others have given up. William Feather

Man can do whatever he can consciously think, confidently expect, and believe is possible. The universe sets no limits; we limit ourselves to our beliefs. Jack E Addington

En büyük zayıflığımız, bırakmakta yatar. Başarıya giden en kesin yol sadece bir kez daha denemekten geçer. Thomas A Edison

Life is like riding a bike. To keep the balance, it is necessary to move forward. Albert Einstein

When a person is fully committed to something, God takes action for it. Goethe

To endure is to defeat fate. Campbell

Keep going and make mistakes. Do as much as you can; because you will find success on this road. Thomas J Watson

Winners never quit, quitters never win.  Napoleon Hill

I will work and prepare myself. And one day luck will knock on my door. Abraham Lincoln

It takes a lot of hammers to be a sharp knife. Turkish Proverb

Many of our dreams seem impossible at first. Then they seem impossible. And when we finally show our will, they become almost inevitable. Christopher Reeve

Hayatta 2 kural vardır: Kural 1: Asla vazgeçmeyin. Kural 2: 1 numaralı kuralı asla unutmayın. Duke Ellington

Everything we can think, believe, and confidently expect will come true. Robert Browning

You've never failed until you stop trying. Albert Einstein

Compromise is the key to success. If you knock on the door long enough and loudly, you're sure to wake someone up. Henry W. Longfellow

Tek başımayım. Ama hala birim. Her şeyi yapamam ama hala bir şey yapabilirim. Her şeyi yapamayacağım için yapmayı geri çevirmeyeceğim. Yapabileceğim şeyleri. Edward Everett Hale

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