Quotes on Personality and Character

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"Bir insanda üç şey arayın. Zeka, Enerji ve Dürüstlük. Eğer sonuncusu yoksa, ilk ikisiyle de uğraşmayın." Warren Buffett

Quotes on Personality and Character

Look for three things in a person. Intelligence, Energy and Integrity. If you don't have the last one, don't bother with the first two.
Warren Buffett

You will show what you are in what you do.
Thomas Edison

From the moment you dedicate yourself to a purpose, you go beyond being an ordinary person. You are now a different person.
Liam Neeson

A man's life is his character.
Alexis Carrel

Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask! Take action. The action will explain who you are and define you.
Thomas Jefferson


Be careful with what you say; turns into thoughts… Be mindful of your thoughts; turns into your emotions… Pay attention to your emotions; turns into your behavior… Be mindful of your behavior; turns into your habits… Be careful with your habits; becomes your values… Pay attention to your values; turns into your character… Pay attention to your character; becomes your destiny.

The person's character is his guardian angel.

A person's character is made up of what he does on the third and fourth try.
James A Michener

One can gain anything in silence, except character.

When a good thought meets a strong character, wonders happen.

A man's character is his destiny.

Some are out of the hearts, some out of the minds. But those who stay in the heart are always the good ones.
Tayfun Topaloğlu

If one wants to know who one is, let him see who he loves.

Talent can take you to the top; but what will keep you on top is your character.
John Wooden

Character is nothing but strength and a long habit.

He who is strong in character cannot be led astray.
William Shakespeare

I have nothing but myself!
Franz Kafka

The ultimate goal of civilization is the development of the human personality.
Alexis Carrel

A talent occurs in tranquility,
the character is in the storms of the world.

The first and last important person in the world that you can fix, manage to do better is yourself.
Aldous Huxley

People quickly forget your talents and abilities,
but they never forget your character.
J. Chapman

We get rewarded for who we are, not what we want in life.
Les Brown

Man, in order to do something, must be something of himself.

All over the world there is a place for everyone to eat. Some are smashed by defeat, others shrunk and vulgar by victory. Greatness lives in those who can accept both defeat and victory.
John Steinbeck

You can be anything in life; but the important thing is to be 'human' in life.
Shams Tabrizi

You never know your true identity until you take a risk in life.

A good person is not one who speaks well, but one who does what he says and says what he can do.

The soul of a person with character is full of wounds.
Khalil Gibran

Circumstances and events may have affected who we are. But we are responsible for what we are!
Benjamin Franklin

Knowledge gives you power; but you earn respect with your character.
Bruce Lee

A person's personality is what a flower's scent is.
CM Schwab

All I can do is be myself; no matter who is in front of me.
Bob Dylan

Man's wealth must be in his own spiritual personality.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

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Personal Development Quotations

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