Getting to the Roots

Köklere İnmek... Çeperinle hareket et; daha derine kaz ve köklere git ve kökleri bilince (bulunca), onları ışığa çıkar...

Köklere İnmek... Çeperinle hareket et; daha derine kaz ve köklere git ve kökleri bilince (bulunca), onları ışığa çıkar...

Getting to the Roots

The external cannot change the internal, but the external can help or hinder. The outer can create a situation that will allow the inner to explode more easily. The thing to remember is this: External transformation is not internal transformation. Even if you have done everything and the situation is favorable, the inner will not explode. The situation is necessary, it helps, but the transformation is not.

Have you heard of an old Indian fairy tale? A mouse was very afraid of the cat; He was in constant fear and anxiety. He couldn't sleep: he dreamed of the cat, he was starting to tremble. A wizard took pity on him and turned the mouse into a cat. The external has changed, but the mouse inside the cat immediately became afraid of the dog. The anxiety was the same; only the target has changed. He was afraid of the cat before, now he is afraid of the dog. The trembling continued, the pain continued, the dreams were still filled with fear.

That's why the witch turned the cat into a dog. The dog immediately began to fear the tiger, because the mouse in it remained the same. Mouse unchanged; only bodies, the external has changed. The same anxiety, the same illness, the same fear remained. The witch turned the dog into a tiger. The mouse inside the tiger immediately began to fear the bear. So the mage said to the mouse: “Become a mouse again, because I can change bodies, but I cannot change you. You have a mouse heart, what can I do?" Mouse heart.

Dışsal olanı değiştirip durabilirsin, ama fare yüreği aynı kalır. Ve o yürek sorun yaratır. Şekil değişir, biçim değişir, ama malzeme aynı kalır. Ve kediden, köpekten ya da kaplandan korkman fark etmez. Mesele kimden korktuğun meselesi değildir; mesele senin korkmandır.  ***

Remember this: The inner is important, meaningful. The external is useful, fine, but it shouldn't be your focus. It shouldn't be so important that it makes you forget the inner. The inner must remain internal, central, and the outer must be changed, if possible, to be helpful.

Don't neglect it completely. You don't need to neglect it, because the outer is actually a part of the inner. Not something against it, not something against it, not something imposed on you… It is you. But the central is the inner and the outer is only the periphery. So give the periphery, the environment, the border the importance it needs… But the border is not the house. So look at him, but don't be crazy about him.

Our minds are always trying to find escape routes. If you become obsessed with food, sex, clothes, body, your mind will be at ease because you are no longer going inward. There is no need to change the mind anymore. There is no longer any need to destroy the mind, to go beyond the mind. The same mind can exist when changing food. You can eat this or that… It's the same mind. But when you go inward… The more you go inward, the more this mind you have must disappear. The way inward is the way to no-mind.

The mind is afraid. It tries to find a way of escape… Something to do with the Outer. Then the mind can exist as it is. Whatever you do won't make a difference. No matter what you do… This mind can exist and this mind can find ways to stay the same. And sometimes, as you struggle with the natural exit, your mind may find some perverse exits that are more dangerous. They don't help, they hinder.

Nasreddin Hodja fell down the stairs one day. His leg is broken. Therefore, his leg was put in a cast and he was told that he could not go up or down stairs for three months. Three months later, he came to the doctor and the cast was removed. The teacher asked: “Can I go up and down the stairs now?” The doctor said, “Now you can. You are completely healed,” he said. The teacher said: “I am very happy now, doctor. You wouldn't believe how happy I am. Going up and down the water pipe all day for three months… It was so hard. All the neighbors were laughing at me. But you told me not to go up or down stairs, so I had to find a way.”

İşte herkesin yaptığı da budur. Bir çıkış tıkanırsa, o zaman bir sapkınlık söz konusu olur. Ve sen zihnin âdetlerini bilmezsin… Çok sinsi ve inceliklidirler. İnsanlar sorunları ile bana gelir. Çözümleri açık görünür… Değildir. Tüm sorunların çözümleri açık, berrak görünür… Değildirler. Derinlerde bir başka şey gizlenmektedir ve o başka şey bilinmediği, ondan kurtulunmadığı, onun ötesine geçilmediği sürece sorun sürer. Yalnızca şekil değiştirir.

Someone smokes a lot and wants to quit. But the real problem is not smoking; the problem is something else. You can stop smoking, but the problem remains and comes out in another way. When are you smoking? You start smoking when you're worried, angry, and smoking helps you. You feel safer, more relaxed…

You can do anything on the surface, but nothing will happen unless the deeper roots change. So remember this about the outer: be aware of it and go from the surface to the roots, find your root… why are you angry? Someone is eating a lot. It can be dropped. You can force yourself not to overeat. But why does he eat a lot? Why? Because it is not a bodily need, so somewhere the mind intervenes. Something must be done to the mind; This is not a matter of the body. Why do you keep filling your stomach?

An obsession with food is a need for love. If you're not loved enough, you'll eat more. If you love and are loved, you eat less. Every time someone falls in love with you, you can't eat more. Love fills you so much that you don't feel empty. If there is no love, you will feel empty; something has to be stuffed into it… You keep stuffing food.  ***

Observe deeply and you will find that someone who saves money is not loved at all, because saving money has taken its place. Now he feels safe with money. When you are loved there is no insecurity; In love all fear disappears. In love, the future is not the past. This moment is enough, this moment is eternity. You are accepted. No worries about the future, no worries about what will happen tomorrow. There is no tomorrow in love...

As you block one outlet, you create another… As long as the roots are not destroyed. So don't be too concerned with the external. Be aware of whatever your outer personality is. Be aware of it, be alert and always go from the periphery to the roots to find the cause. Go to the roots no matter how irritating it is. Once you know the roots, once the roots are exposed… Remember this law: Roots can only exist in the dark… Roots of everything, not just tree roots. They can only exist in the dark. Once brought into the light, they die.

So move with your periphery; Dig deeper and go to the roots, and when you know (find) the roots, bring them into the light. Once you get to the root, the root disappears. You don't need to do anything about it. You only need to do something if you don't know what the problem is. A properly understood problem disappears. Understanding the problem correctly, understanding the problem radically means its disappearance. That's the first thing.

Osho – “Book of Secrets 2”

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Empty Boat

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