Mark Twain

Without the right shoe, a lie travels the world.
Always tell the truth; You don't have to remember what you said.
I have never let my school interfere with my education.
A classic is a work that everyone wants to have read but no one wants to read.
A person who does not read books has no advantage over someone who cannot read.
A person would be happier if he was born at eighty and lived slowly until he was 18.
Give every day the chance to be the best day of your life.
I have had many problems in my life, and most of them never existed.
It's always helpful to go through the meteorological records before praying for rain.
I married a widow with a grown daughter.
When my father met my stepdaughter, he fell in love with her and eventually cheated and they got married.
So my father became my son-in-law. My stepdaughter has become my mother.
My wife gave birth to a boy.
The boy, of course, was considered my uncle as my father's brother-in-law and stepmother's brother,
My stepmother also gave birth to a son. So I have a brother.
But since he was my stepdaughter's child, he was also considered my granddaughter.
That's not all.
Since my wife was my mother's mother, she was considered my grandmother.
I was also my father's father.
I finally became my own grandfather…
Friendship is a strong bond. Does not apply when it needs money, it can last a lifetime.
Bankers are the people who forcefully give you an umbrella when it's clear, but forcibly take it away when two drops of rain fall.
Bad developments that get us in trouble are not caused by things we don't know, but by those we are sure will never happen to us.
Twenty years from now you will regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did. Take anchor and leave safe harbors… Take the winds at your back, explore, dream and explore.
I don't want to talk back and forth about heaven and hell because I have friends in both.
Courage is not the absence of fear, it is resisting fear, mastering fear.
The trouble with most of us is that we know too much that isn't true.
Don't go around saying the universe owes me a life. It owes you nothing.
The moment you lose your dreams, your life is over.
What is needed in life is ignorance and self-confidence, then success is certain.
Creating the human was a strange and original idea, but adding the sheep was unnecessary repetition.
If in doubt, tell the truth. You delight some people and surprise the rest.
They succeeded because they didn't know it was impossible to start that job.
You have to live in such a way that even the coffin maker mourns when you die.
The only way to protect your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like and do what you don't want to do.
No wonder I must have so much mind! Sometimes, once a week, I have to clear my mind.

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