Mutluluk Üzerine En İyi Özlü Sözler

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Mutluluk Üzerine En İyi Özlü Sözler

 Life is like a mirror. If you smile, he will smile at you. Peace Pilgrim

The short formula of happiness; If you do what makes you happy, you will be happy. Tayfun Topaloğlu 

Happiness is not a destination, but the journey itself. Ralph Waldo Emerson

The greatest happiness of life is knowing that we are loved. Victor Hugo

If you want to be happy, be!  Leo Tolstoy

Mutluluk varılacak herhangi bir yer değil, yolculuğun kendisidir. B Williams

People are as happy as they want to be. Abraham Lincoln

The formula for happiness is to be busy with unimportant things when necessary. Edward Newton

The art of happiness is to be happy with ordinary things. Henry Beecher

There is only one inborn error. It is to think that we are here to be happy. Arthur Schopenhauer

There are two ways to be happy. Either reducing our desires or increasing our possibilities. Benjamin Franklin

Mutluluk, bizi mutlu eden şey bir şeye sahip olmak değil, sahip olduğumuzun tadına varmaktır. Montaigne

Happiness is always close by, it is often enough to reach out to catch it. George Sand

Happiness bought with money is defeated by more money. Seneca

There is only one path to happiness and that is is to stop worrying about things beyond our will. Epictetus

When one door of happiness closes, another opens. But we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the new one that has been opened for us. Helen Keller

People's happiness or unhappiness, It is the work of your characters as well as your destiny. La Rochefoucauld

Happiness is the greatest of victories over the fate that compels us. Albert Camus

Many seek happiness higher than people, some lower… However, happiness is at the level of a person's height. Confucius

A happy life is impossible; The best man can achieve is a heroic life. Arthur Schopenhauer

The surest way to be happy is to make someone else happy. Aldous Huxley

If you want to be happy, don't expect anything from anyone. Bob Marley

The journey itself makes us happy, not the destination.  Dan Millman

It's not the events that make a person unhappy, it's their view of the events. Epictetus

 No medicine can cure what happiness cannot cure. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

 Happiness is just like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it avoids you. But when he turns his attention to other things, it will gently come and rest on his shoulder.  Henry D Thoreau

 That's one of the things the years have taught me; If you have found happiness, do not question. Charles Bukowski

 If you look at everything from the same angle, you will always think the same things. If you always think the same things, you will always do the same things, If you always do the same things, you will always get the same results. If you always get the same results, you will always be either happy or always unhappy. Carlos Castaneda

Be Happy Now – Tips for True Happiness

Make those near happy, those far away will come. Chinese Proverb

Remember that life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of breathtaking moments. George Carlin

The secret of happiness is not doing what you like; It lies in liking what you do. James M. Barrie

People can achieve happiness only when they begin to think that the purpose of life is not happiness.  George Orwell

Learn to let go. This is the key to happiness. Buddha

The truth is: I'm free, healthy, happy and bursting with boredom! George Bernard Shaw

Don't wait to be happy to laugh, maybe you'll die without laughing. Victor Hugo

Happiness is the only thing we can give to others that we don't have. Albert Schweitzer

If your happiness depends on what someone else does, you have a very serious problem. Aldous Huxley

If you divide happiness into just people, you can multiply it. Albert Schweitzer

Man needs not only happiness but also unhappiness. Unhappiness is as necessary as happiness. Fyodor Dostoevsky

Not every person can be happy... Because he misses yesterday more than necessary, he thinks about tomorrow more than he deserves. And he lives today unconsciously as he never deserves. Not everyone can be happy. Because he misses more than necessary those who are out of his life. They wait for them to enter your life with more hope than they deserve. And he can never see those next to him.  Erich Fromm

Many people look for happiness like glasses they forget on their noses. Friedrich Nietzsche

Your happiness cannot be overruled by anyone's thought. Osho

Who can make you happy? If you are not ready!  Friedrich Nietzsche

When I was a kid, my mother always told me that the key to life is happiness. When I started going to school, I was asked 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' they asked. I replied to them, 'I want to be happy'. They told me that I did not understand the question. So I told them that they don't understand life. John Lennon

There is never a path to happiness. Because happiness itself is the way.  Wayne Dyer

Realize that true happiness lies within yourself. Peace, happiness and joy… stop looking in the outside world. Share it. smile. Hug. Happiness is not something you can pour onto others without getting a few drops on yourself. Og Mandino

Success is getting what you want, happiness is loving what you get.  H. Jackson Brown

 Can anyone who has freedom, books, flowers, sun and moon be unhappy? Oscar Wilde

I live, I become happy, I live, I make happy. Of course I am also unhappy; But as long as I live, I will not be hopeless or thankful.  Shams Tabrizi

Let's draw happy little trees over there. Bob Ross

3 rules for happiness; deal with something, love someone and find something to hope for. Immanuel Kant

If you can always live in the present, you will be a happy person. Then life will be a feast, a feast; because life is all about the moment we are living and that is it. Paulo Coelho

When one door of happiness closes, another opens. But we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the new one that has been opened for us. Helen Keller

If one day you lose your way, look into the eyes of a child. Because there are three things a child can always teach an adult; 1. Being happy for no reason 2. 2. Finding an occupation that can always be busy… 3. Fighting with all his might for what he wants to achieve. Paulo Coelho

Whenever there's an opportunity to laugh, join him. Join him whenever there's an opportunity to dance. Whenever there is an opportunity to sing, sing. And one day you will find the happiness you created.  Osho

A person cannot be peaceful and happy without being free. Dante Alighieri

There is no job that can give you joy unless you bring joy into it. Osho

The things that bring happiness in life are very small parts. A favor, a smile, a sweet look, a good wish… In fact, the happy ones are those who are in the presence of these little things. George B. Shaw

 The most beautiful of destinies, the greatest treasure a man can have, is to be paid for a job he does with passion. Abraham Maslow


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