“Many came, what did they want? In the end, they left the world and left. You look like you can not go at all, right? Those who went were always like you.” Omar Khayyam

"Niceleri geldi, neler istediler. Sonunda dünyayı bırakıp gittiler. Sen hiç gitmeyecek gibisin, değil mi? O gidenler de hep senin gibiydiler." Ömer Hayyam

“Many came, what did they want? In the end, they left the world and left. You look like you can not go at all, right? Those who went were always like you.” Omar Khayyam

"Niceleri geldi, neler istediler. Sonunda dünyayı bırakıp gittiler. Sen hiç gitmeyecek gibisin, değil mi? O gidenler de hep senin gibiydiler." Ömer Hayyam




King Midas and His Gold

“We don't need to be strong, we need to be human. Because being human is very difficult.” Tayfun Topaloglu

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