Ways to Build Self-Confidence

Özgüven Geliştirmenin Yolları... Hayatımız sadece güçlü bir güven duygusu üzerinde yükselebilir. İşte özgüven geliştirmenin başlıca yolları..

Özgüven Geliştirmenin Yolları... Hayatımız sadece güçlü bir güven duygusu üzerinde yükselebilir. İşte özgüven geliştirmenin başlıca yolları..

Ways to Build Self-Confidence

In order to navigate through life with confidence, we need to have faith in ourselves. The concept of self-confidence, which signifies confidence in oneself, is fundamental to achieving the desired outcomes in life. Generally, self-confidence involves a person believing in themselves and maintaining a positive attitude about their capabilities. When we feel competent and sufficient in any area, our self-confidence in that specific domain is high. However, self-confidence goes beyond feeling competent in a particular area. We generally feel more self-assured overall when we can extend this confidence to all aspects of our lives.

This special feeling that makes us feel strong is crucial in every aspect of life, from interpersonal relationships to the professional sphere. A person with self-confidence is courageous and unafraid of losing. They tend to take risks, exhibit more initiative, and have a higher tolerance for rejection and criticism. The confident individual carries themselves with assurance, displaying a self-assured and decisive attitude. They are more persistent in implementing their own thoughts and decisions.

Self-confidence is most evident when it comes to trying, striving, and taking initiative. Confidence is the ability to assert oneself, to say, "I am here." It is the willingness to showcase your talents without hesitation. Being self-confident does not guarantee success in every endeavor, as life's outcomes depend on various factors. However, having self-confidence is a prerequisite for achieving results in many aspects of life.


The Fundamental Way to Gain Self-Confidence is Through Hard Work

The key to building confidence in a specific area that requires performance is to work diligently until mastery is achieved. The skills acquired after acquiring knowledge, practicing, and gaining experience contribute to the development of self-confidence. As we enhance our ability to spread this sense of competence across various aspects of life, we will also be able to achieve better results in all our endeavors.

Self-Confidence Stance

One of the primary factors supporting self-confidence is having a good appearance. We can't change the characteristics we are born with too much, but we can succeed in recognizing and emphasizing the qualities that set us apart from others. Taking care of your physical appearance, dressing stylishly, and maintaining a positive mood will nurture your self-confidence. Additionally, being aware of our posture and behaviors is crucial. By observing ourselves, we can choose to exhibit behaviors that make us appear more self-confident.

Being Action-Oriented

Making a decision and then taking action is one of the key factors that nourishes self-confidence. If you don't act promptly after making a decision or if you hesitate and wait, you may start to doubt yourself. When indecision and inaction come together, the situation can become even more challenging. Therefore, especially when you are feeling anxious and worried, you should strive to harness the absolute power of taking action. The best way to gain self-confidence is to lead an action-oriented life by confronting fears and concerns head-on.

The Perfectionism Trap

The threshold at which each person feels sufficient varies. One of the most challenging situations for developing self-confidence is having a perfectionist personality. Perfectionists set very high standards for themselves and never feel adequate. Engaged in a constant process of preparation, these individuals may struggle with feelings of inadequacy throughout their lives. This situation tends to overlook small but valuable improvements, hindering the strengthening of self-confidence in that particular area. Another handicap observed in these individuals is an intolerance for mistakes. If you have such a tendency, it's essential to be aware of it and learn to appreciate even the smallest improvements. Recognize that every skill develops over time, and perfection can only be achieved through practice.

Self-Confidence Transfer

One of the crucial aspects of self-confidence is the ability to successfully extend the feeling of confidence in one area to various aspects of our lives. There is undoubtedly at least one thing in life that you excel at and feel strong doing. This becomes the sole area where we feel confident. Now, imagine being able to carry this special feeling anywhere you want or feel it whenever you desire. How do we perform this process called self-confidence transfer? Now, I want you to envision a situation where you feel extremely skilled and powerful. It could be something you excel at. Try to vividly picture that moment, capturing the details. Look at yourself from an external perspective. See your confident state with all its details. Now, freeze this scene like a film director and change the physical setting as if you were altering a film set. Observe your confident state while developing your new skill in this new environment. With this mindset, you are now much more confidently engaged in your current task. Try to repeat this visualization as much as possible. Start with the image where you are confident and transfer it to the newly developed area. After a while, you'll find yourself doing this automatically. As a result, you'll notice that you not only feel more confident while developing a new skill but also progress more rapidly. So how do we do this process, which we call self-confidence transfer? Now I want you to imagine a situation where you feel extremely resourceful and powerful. Let this be something you are very good at. Try to portray your current image in detail. Look at yourself from the outside. See your self-confident state in detail. Now freeze this scene as if you were a movie director and change the physical environment you are in as you would a movie set. Observe your self-confidence in your new environment and as you develop your new skill. In this state of mind, he is now much more confident in his new role. Try to repeat this imagery as often as possible. First, start with the image you are confident in and move it to the area you have just developed. After a while, you will be able to do this automatically. Thus, as you develop your new skill, you will realize that you are both more confident and making faster progress.

Get Inspired

Drawing Inspiration Witnessing someone achieve something on this planet inspires everyone. Particularly, seeing individuals in our field of interest accomplish challenging feats encourages us, boosting our courage and increasing our self-confidence. One of the most well-known examples in this regard is related to athletics. Before May 6, 1954, it was believed that no human could run a mile in less than four minutes. The record was first broken by British athlete Roger Bannister on that date. Remarkably, just six weeks later, this record was equaled. In the following nine years, approximately 200 individuals managed to surpass this limit (Dilts, 2009). This example also illustrates how breaking limiting beliefs can yield powerful results. If you are trying to develop a skill in a new area, knowing that many people have traversed this challenging path will inspire you.

Instilling Self-Confidence

The fact that a supportive environment fosters self-confidence should not be underestimated. However, many people, for various reasons, may not have the chance to be in such an environment. While confidence from others can certainly stoke the fire within you, if you are not in such an environment, you can create this support for yourself. By instilling self-confidence, you can generate this support on your own. Establishing a strong and positive communication with yourself will generally reduce the fragility of your self-confidence. Especially, frequently repeating positive affirmations will provide you with the confidence you need. The power of self-talk is often overlooked by many people. However, you never know the miracles that correctly used words can create. When you communicate with yourself in a positive and constructive manner, your self-confidence will be much stronger. Başkalarından gelen bir güven elbette sizin içinizdeki ateşi harlayabilir. Ancak böyle bir çevrede bulunmuyorsanız, bu desteği kendi kendinize de vermeniz mümkündür. Özgüven aşılayarak bu desteği kendiniz yaratabilirsiniz. Kendinizle kurduğunuz güçlü ve pozitif iletişim, genel anlamda özgüveninizin kırılganlığını azaltacaktır. Özellikle olumlu telkinleri sık sık tekrarlamak sizlere ihtiyaç duyduğunuz güveni sağlayacaktır. Kendi kendine konuşmanın gücünü pek çok insan göz ardı eder. Ancak doğru yerde kullanılan doğru sözcüklerin ne gibi mucizeler yaratabileceğini asla bilemezsiniz. Kendinizle pozitif ve yapıcı bir dille iletişim kurduğunuzda, kendinize olan güveniniz çok daha güçlü olacaktır.

Self Confidence Time

Özgüveninizi güçlendirmenin en iyi yollarından birisi de günde birkaç dakikanızı özgüven geliştirmeye ayırmaktır. Bunun için, her gün kendinizi başarılı hissettiren en az 3 anıyı hatırlamaya çalışırsınız. Eğer dilerseniz, bunlardan birisini yazarak da ifade etmeyi deneyebilirsiniz. Bunu düzenli bir şekilde tekrarladığınızda, bir süre sonra ihtiyaç duyduğunuz anlarda bu anıların yarattığı güçlü duyguyu hızlı bir şekilde çağırabiliyor olacaksınız. Ayrıca gün içinde kendinize güvendiğinizi gösteren ve bu sayede iyi sonuçlar aldığınız durumları gece uyumadan önce kendinize hatırlatmaya çalışın. Unutmayın böylesi deneyimleri mutlaka yaşamışsınızdır. Artık hafızanızı biraz da kendinizi güçlendirmek adına kullanmanın zamanı gelmedi mi?


Finally, I want to emphasize the importance of being in a positive state of mind. When we manage to feel good in any situation, our sense of confidence will be positively affected. Naturally, when our spirits are high and everything is going well in our lives, our confidence will be higher. Regardless of the circumstances, we should always be aware of our unique potential and strength within and never cease our efforts to keep our spirits high.

For almost everything in life, we need a significant amount of self-confidence. This is because the confidence we have in ourselves forms the essence and foundation of our potential. Our lives, much like a tree, can only rise on a strong sense of confidence. Therefore, we should always strive to maintain our self-confidence and make efforts to strengthen it day by day.


Tayfun Topaloğlu

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References: Robert Dilts (2009), Language Illusions (Trans. A. Volkan Çubukçu), Türkiye İş Bankası Cultural Publications, 2nd Edition, İstanbul

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