Exam Motivation and Techniques

Sınav Motivasyonu ve Teknikleri

Sınav Motivasyonu ve Teknikleri

Exam Motivation and Techniques


Hayat, karşılaştığımız fırtınalarla değil, gemiyi limana getirip getiremediğimizle ilgilenir, der Le Martin. Şu bir gerçek ki dünya, bizleri sonunu getirebildiğimiz çabalarımızla değerlendirmektedir. Sınavlar da bunun yegane araçlarıdır. O nedenle her yaştan insanın mutlaka pek çok kez karşılaştığı bu değerlendirme sürecinde iyi performans göstermek oldukça önemlidir. Bu yazıda, sınava girecek tüm adayların sınav öncesi ve sınav süresince kullanabilecekleri teknik ve yöntemlerden bahsediyoruz. Motivasyon gücünüzü artırmayı ve sınav stresinizi kontrol edebilmenizi amaçlayan bu teknikler, sizleri istediğiniz sonuca bir adım daha yaklaştıracaktır…

Whatever you are ready for is ready for you.  Mark V Hansen

Exams are an important issue that occupies the agenda in every period of the year and concerns people of all ages and all segments of society. It should be said that the general purpose of the exams is related to the mentioned supply-demand balance in the economy. In other words, the exams are held in order to balance the supply (the number of people taking the exam) and the demand (quota), that is, because the supply is more than the demand.

Understanding the general logic of the exams is important in terms of seeing the whole system. The biggest handicap experienced in short-term performance situations is the high level of anxiety and stress. Anxiety usually reflects a worry about the future, while stress is a state of being under pressure right now. This prevents the person from reflecting his/her true performance appropriate to his/her capacity. What we're talking about here is the "negative" state of stress. The intensity of stress, which varies from person to person, also affects the motivation power negatively.
First of all, it is necessary to be aware of the level of stress and anxiety experienced by the person and to take time to manage it well. We should state that each technique and method we share item by item will benefit you in line with your personal needs. Some of these will appeal to you more. It will be beneficial for you to try to put these tools into practice, which you can use before and during the exam.

Self-Knowledge and Vocational Choice Guide

Sınav Stresiyle Baş Etmeye Yönelik Teknikler

  • Try to be aware of your stress and anxiety levels.
  • You can control your excitement and stress by using the breathing technique. For this, you can try to breathe 10 times using your diaphragm muscles. (Take the breath in 2 units of time, hold 4 units of time, exhale in 2 units of time). While doing this, fill your lungs with plenty of air.
  • If you are experiencing intense tension and tension, try to relax yourself. From your fingertips to your head, try to tighten and then relax the major muscle groups in each part of your body, one at a time. While doing this, you can visualize a blue light spreading through your body and tell yourself “I'm getting more and more relaxed' you can suggest. Also, the creative imagery technique called “Wash Your Brain” in this video may be of use to you.


  • Most of the time, people create anxiety and stress in themselves with their words. Using statements that put you under pressure (I should/should) as if the world is coming to an end will increase your stress level. Instead, try to be aware of the expressions you use and use positive and comforting words. (Ex. I prefer to feel good.)
  • Visualize the exam moment. Visualize yourself as you take the exam in the future, during the exam, and after the exam. Visualize yourself feeling upbeat, happy and relaxed as you see yourself in this dream. Feel it using all your senses. Try to apply the creative visualization technique described in the video below for the exam.

  • When pessimistic and anxious thoughts come to your mind, notice them and turn them into positives by saying “I CANCEL”. Say “STOP!” aloud to the negativities that come to your mind in the form of image or sound. Divert your attention and focus your attention on something else. If you wish, you can refocus your attention by counting to 10.
  • Write down the negative thoughts that come to your mind on paper and then tear them up. If you do this a few times, you'll find that you don't think about it again.
  • Oppose a negative thought and show yourself that it is wrong. Ask yourself, “What is the evidence for and against this idea?” ask. One of the most effective techniques for countering is to look for evidence that points to distortions in your negative statements. Most of the time the truth will be on your side anyway.
  • If negative thoughts come to your mind before or during the exam, ask yourself, "Is it any use thinking about this right now?"
  • If you have a heavy concentration and focus problem, the information in this video may be useful to you:

You can also watch this application video:

All these techniques and methods will be beneficial in cases of intense stress, anxiety and anxiety that you may encounter before and during the exam. In the next section, there are practical techniques and applications that you can use to increase your motivation before the exam.

Techniques to Increase Exam Motivation

  • To keep your spirits up just before and during the exam, you can visualize a situation where you experienced everything going well on the way out of the exam. If you make this image very detailed, realistic and using all your senses and feeling it, the effect will be high.


  • Remind yourself that you did your best until the exam, and now it's time to make the most of what you have just by taking the exam. You can get more effective results by writing this thought in a short way.
  • You can try to increase your motivation with suggestions that will motivate yourself. (Videoyu izleyiniz)

  • Before the exam, try to eat your favorite meals and drink fluids that are uplifting (but not energizing or sleepy). You may also want to consider wearing the most comfortable and uplifting outfit for the exam. You can also wear or take with you a piece of jewelry that you believe brings good luck.
  • Think of the good things you will get if you pass the exam, and if possible, list them on a piece of paper. Try to find as many reasons as possible.
  • Finally, keep this in mind. These exams are not the end of anything, but they can be the beginning of many things. There is no such thing as failure and everything is a learning experience. As Henry Ford said, failure is nothing more than an opportunity to start smarter. We wish good luck to all candidates who will take the exam.

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