Techniques for Motivation and Development by Steve Chandler

Techniques for Motivation and Development by Steve Chandler

We share with you the best suggestions and techniques for motivation and development that we have compiled from Steve Chandler's books.

  • The harder you push yourself, the easier life becomes for you. On the contrary, the more relaxed and free you are, the harder life becomes for you.
  • Once I discovered that accepting responsibility for the problem also gave me new strength to solve it, I was liberated… When we see ourselves as victims of our problems, we lose our power to resolve them. When we explain that the source of the problem lies outside of us, we also turn off our creativity. However, once we say 'the problem is I am myself', a great power shifts from outside to us. That's when we become the solution ourselves.
  • If you don't listen to, watch or read any news from time to time, you will see your optimism about life increase. You feel the energy rise within you.
  • Whenever I am happy, I notice happiness in others. Whenever I am kind, I find that others are also kind. Whenever I am full of energy and hope, I see opportunities all around me.

Winners Focus, Losers Disperse!

  • It has been proven that problems such as memory loss and mental stagnation, which we believe to be caused by aging, are only the result of not using the human brain. The brain is similar to your arm muscles; If you use it, it gets stronger and faster, if you don't, it weakens and reacts slowly.
  • The key to self-creation is in your desire to do even the smallest things, but to do them right now. Self-creation is not an all-or-nothing game; this is an ever-evolving effort. A little touch in that area, a little improvement there, makes that day great and thus your whole life. Today is a microcosm of your entire life. It is a miniature example of your entire life… Our self-motivation stems from the importance and meaning we attach to today.
  • The trick to the game is to keep the motivation constant. This is essential so that you can constantly feed your soul with the optimistic thoughts that you always want to live in accordance with them. Whenever you see any thought, sentence, or paragraph that opens your mind, you must catch it like a butterfly collector and then release it into the field of your own dreams.
  • If you want to increase your motivation, shift your inspiration to another person. Show him his own strengths. Encourage and support him. Guide him to create himself. Then watch what he will do for you.
  • Unexpectedly big bucks come in exchange for unexpectedly high levels of service. The way you can serve people unexpectedly throughout your life is to ask yourself: What are they waiting for? Once you have made the answer to this question clear, you should also ask the question: What can I do that they don't expect?


What we most need to learn is not knowledge, but skill.


  • One of the ways to facilitate self-motivation is to pretend you are the laziest person on earth. When you accept from the beginning that you will do the task in front of you slowly and lazily, it will no longer be scary or scary for you to start it.
  • Most people are shocked to learn that they get so little of what they want out of life only because their primary goal is so small and so vague. Goals that are too small and too vague have no power. If it does not provoke your imagination, it is impossible to achieve your main goal. The way to really increase motivation is to set a big, specific, and powerful goal.
  • If people focus on one goal, they achieve amazing things… They spend all day thinking about how to use their thoughts. What will help me achieve my goal? Given my purpose in life, how can I benefit from it?
  • I can realize any picture my mind sends to my brain of who I am and what I can achieve. When an opportunity arises to realize the picture I envision, I take action and do it. This comes very naturally to me. The sense of self is destiny.
  • There's a huge difference between genuine determination and just trying to get something done. Rethink the difference between life and death.
  • When you watch television, you watch other people do what they love to do for a living. They are on the best side of the screen; because they are having fun. You are just passively watching them having fun. They are making money, you are paying money.
  • If there is no love, there is no money… What do I love to do for people? How can I serve more people? Wealth will be the result of all this.

  • Fear comes from an exaggerated focus on oneself.
  • If I change my mind, I also change my perception of the world around me and its problems…. Your mind, your soul, your heart, your life, your brain… All this complex structure works in the same way; waits for the gear in your mind to change to initiate the transition. Because when you change your mind, the whole world will change with you.
  • A warrior does not have to know what to do. Nor does a warrior have to know how to do anything. A warrior simply chooses to do… Make time for what you choose to do.


When the fear of death disappears, we experience the death of fear.


  • The problem with procrastination is that no start has been made. If a start is made, there is no such thing as procrastination.
  • Our feelings, attitudes and thoughts are always determined by the way you perceive something. If we could see that it is within our power to change perceptions, we would be free to create a day however we want.
  • The biggest transformations I've seen have occurred when people stopped associating fear with money, self-worth with money, and armed against scarcity and won the war of wealth (it's an internal war) forever.
  • Notice how much energy the unfinished business in your life takes from you. Look at how much it consumes you… When you finish a job and pack it away, your life energy does not decrease, it increases. After completion you become very lively and cheerful. It's a wonderful feeling.

Kafa meşguliyeti tüm başarıların düşmanıdır.

  • Kesin odaklanma tüm büyük başarıların anahtarıdır. Tam tersi olan kafa meşguliyeti ise başarının düşmanıdır. Bunu bir yere yazın çünkü hayatınız değişebilir: Kafa meşguliyeti tüm başarıların düşmanıdır.
  • What you have to do is dance with life, not speed up and get ahead of life. Those who compete with life and get ahead of it crash to the ground on the dance floor. They live in their own future, and this is where the fear lives. But when you slow down and master this moment, there is no more fear.

Obstacles Feed the Mission

  • It's not really the fear of failure that keeps us from trying exciting things. It is the fear of being exposed to our failure. Fear of being seen as a failure.
  • Don't create a year for yourself, just create a day. Create the perfect day in your mind and live it. The year is already taking care of itself. Your life too.
  • The more you know what motivates you, the easier it will be to motivate yourself… Commit yourself to noticing everything that inspires you, starting now. This is your control panel. Those buttons also activate your motivational energy… The better you learn how you work, the easier it will be to motivate yourself.
  • Whatever goal you want to reach, if you are happy, it will be ten times easier to reach it.
  • You cannot achieve anything that you cannot imagine yourself doing.


Concentrate all your attention on what you desire; You will see it happen eventually.


  • Never take the word no as an answer. Consider that it is always a question. Recognize that the word no is used instead of the question: Can't you be more creative than that?
  • Here's another self-motivator you should only use as a mental tool. Take one of the goals you set and double it. Or three times. Or tenfold. Then seriously ask yourself how you can achieve this new goal.
  • No matter what kind of problem you face, the most self-motivating exercise I know is to say to yourself right away; The problem is, I'm actually myself. Because once you think you are the problem, you realize that you are the solution.

The best gift you can give to others is to get your own life on track.

  • When I need to tackle something, face something, or create a bold plan of action, I take long walks. When I walk long enough and long enough distances, I always think of a solution. Thus, I turn to the most creative course of action.
  • The world is like your shadow on a sunny day. Move, see what your shadow will do. Of course he will move with you!
  • Knowing what to do and why to do it will give you the energy you need to motivate yourself. Not knowing your purpose will also take away your existing energy and creativity… Most people cannot create something magnificent in their lifetime; because he is busy doing too many things at once.

Change Your Story

  • Making lists of your goals and objectives is a powerful motivator. It is important to prepare mentally for the outcome you want to get to a meeting you attend; but if you put them in writing, you will feel even stronger. When you put something in writing, you will embroider it more firmly in your brain. Whatever excites you most in life, you must write them in your own handwriting. If you become a productive and expressive list writer, you will also learn how to motivate yourself with your own writing.


Whatever you look at, whatever you turn to, will grow in your life. Whatever you ignore will be left behind.


  • My ritual to attempt self-motivation is walking. Many times in my life I have had problems that never seemed to be resolved; my ritual every time was to take that problem and walk for a long time. This walk sometimes took hours. But, every time, without exception, as I kept walking, a solution came to my mind from which I did not know.
  • Each of us tends to look at the challenges we face within the box. He looks at what we have done in the past and puts it before our eyes; then we try to visualize what we call 'the future' by looking at it. However, this approach limits our own future. The future we can achieve with this restricted view may at best be a 'new and better past'.
  • Pour the thought you want to remember into a melody in your brain; so he can never get out of there again. Start seeing these self-motivating thoughts as if they were songs. You can find ways to reconstruct these thoughts in a way that reminds you over and over until you can't get them out of your mind. This is how our belief systems are restructured to suit our goals.



  • Whatever you need to do, whether it's a big project at work or a big clean at home, turning it into a game will always create greater energy and motivation within you.
  • If you refuse to cultivate happiness within you, you will never be able to do extraordinary service to others; You will never find the energy to create yourself the way you want. There is never a better goal than knowing on your deathbed that you are living your real life and doing whatever will make you happy.
  • Most people are discouraged when they take two steps forward and then one step back. They think they have failed; They believe they have lost the game. Yet it is not so at all. They just kept up with the natural rhythm of progress. Once you understand this rhythm, you can engage in harmonious work with it instead of needlessly bickering with it. You can better plan the regeneration.
  • Get used to being alert the moment you live in it. Be as conscious of this hour as possible. Don't live in the past (if you don't like being guilty, of course) or live in the future (if you don't like fear); focus all your attention on the day you live (if you love happiness).

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

  • Use your own comfort zone only for relaxation; not to live in it all the time. Consciously use that area to rest and replenish your energy as you mentally prepare yourself for the next challenge… If instead you set your comfort zone as a constant living environment and don't step out of it, your comfort zone is, as the rock singer Sting said, yours. It will become the 'cage of your soul'. Choose your freedom; fly away from that cage.
  • The closer you get to doing what you love, the sooner people want to be with you, to achieve what you do; because people really want to pay for products that are produced and presented with love.
  • If you have no expectations, only new adventures await you. Constant surprise. What a pleasant surprise if your loved one does something nice for you. If she says something nice and you don't expect anything, you will experience sheer joy.



  • I'd love to 'do it yourself; But don't fall into a pitiful situation by saying, 'I don't know how to do it. This is absolutely wrong. The truth is that you don't want that yet. 'Not wanting yet' is not a bad thing. You can't want everything in life. You have to choose; but only when you are ready. You'll understand when you're ready.
  • Who I am in my own mind determines what I do throughout the day. So if I want to be able to do bigger, better things, I need to start with my self-concept. It's about how I see myself. If I want to achieve more in this world, I have to grow it too.
  • Whatever it is that worries you, you must do something about it; You should never just think. Do not be afraid to take action; What you are going to do may be something very small and easy, as long as you take action. Even the smallest actions have the power to start to banish your anxiety… In the future, when you are worried about anything, ask yourself: What is the smallest thing I can do about it right now? Then do what you think.

What Can I Do About This?

  • The 'decision' occurs by itself while you are on the move… Taking action opens the mind to such change. Let your instincts decide for you. It allows you to trust yourself and not to waste time and energy trying to make decisions all day.
  • You do not react to life; let life react to you. If you're always the one to make the first move, you'd be amazed at how many keys you bring to life.
  • The most glorious aspect of effective dreaming is not achieving the goal. It is the effect the pursuit of goals has on the dreamer. Let alone truly achieving your dreams, simply chasing them will reveal your true identity.
  • Zen monks have a 'laughing meditation' in which they sit in a circle and prepare to laugh. At a certain hour the teacher plays a gong and all the monks start laughing. It is imperative that they laugh, whether they want it or not. But before long, laughter takes on a contagious quality. After a while, all the monks burst into laughter and laughter.
  • Big thoughts often come to mind while bathing; because often, the only time we can be completely alone during the day is when we take a bath. No television, no movies, no traffic, no family, no chattering pets. It is the only time we have no factor that can distract our minds from conversing with itself.
  • People are constantly in search of energy; because they have so much to do. They seek energy; but they miss the point to look for; aim! Having a purpose in life brings energy.
  • Most people can't start what they're going to do; because he thinks about the whole thing. However, thinking about doing the whole job creates a lot of pressure in a short time and they think they can't start it now and leave.


do badly; do it slowly; make it terrible; do whatever you have to do; but do it!


  • Ask yourself if what you are about to do is loving, creative, and beneficial to your life. If the answer is yes, don't stop. If the answer is no, change your route.
  • Fear is the absence of love. If I'm afraid to speak in public, it's because I don't like speaking in public yet… If there is enough love, there will be no fear.
  • The human brain is a magic computer. When we send him something inspiring, he sends us energy. But if we send him something depressing or negative, it will bring us down. At the root of all this is the following; We are the sender.
  • We are stronger and wiser when difficult times pass – and they always do. So the question I ask myself is; It's not a question of 'how am I going to put up with it' but 'how am I going to use it'. 
  • In what people say, there are many hidden opportunities; but if my mind is in the future, i don't hear any of that. I say goodbye to wealth, I say goodbye to that person, he goes away and it's over. 
  • Write down 10 things you will do in your life if you have no fear. Then do one of them… You can replace all fears with an action. Do not be afraid, act!”

Steve Chandler


Steve Chandler (2001) 100 Tips for Personal Success, (Trans. Ahmet Ünver) 3rd Edition, Rota Publications, Istanbul

Steve Chandler (2017) Get Motivated! (Trans. Bahar Akçura), Trend Publishing House, Ankara

Steve Chandler (2006) Your Story (Çev. Elif Umar) Dharma Yayınları, İstanbul s.59-66

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