Motivation with Consciousness Levels

Bilinç Düzeyleriyle Motivasyon... Tüm insanlar belirli bir bilinç düzeyi ile hayatlarına devam ederler ve bu da motivasyon yapılarını belirler

Bilinç Düzeyleriyle Motivasyon... Tüm insanlar belirli bir bilinç düzeyi ile hayatlarına devam ederler ve bu da motivasyon yapılarını belirler

Motivation with Consciousness Levels

All people continue their lives with a certain level of consciousness. They direct their behavior with the influence of certain emotion and behavior patterns corresponding to each level. So much so that the level of consciousness people have is the most important reason why they react differently to similar situations they encounter throughout their lives.

David Hawkins, in his original work “Power vs Force – An Anatomy of Consciousness”, revealed important findings about people's consciousness levels. In this study, in which he investigated the levels of consciousness that started in the 1970s and continued until today, people's logarithmic1) found that it was distributed in different levels of consciousness, from the lowest 1 to the highest 1000 points. He has proven his research results to be independent of culture and time, and has developed a scale that shows that there are levels of consciousness expressing certain levels of emotion and behavior by using the "kinesiology" (muscle science) method.

Bilinç Düzeyleri

This diagram shows critical points that correspond to certain patterns of emotion and behavior. For example, on this scale, shame corresponds to 20, fear to 100, anger to 150, and courage to 200 consciousness. 250 for neutrality, 310 for voluntarism, 500 for love, 600 for peace and enlightenment after 700. The critical threshold here is 200. In other words, scores below the level of 200, which expresses courage, have a feature that weakens the person, while those above it have a feature that strengthens the person. Below 200 the basic impulse is survival. Hopelessness, depression and demotivation prevail.

According to the author, at levels below 200 (negative-repulsive) there is a force element, while over 200 (positive-attractive) power is dominant. However, one thing to remember is that the numbers here are arranged logarithmically, not arithmetically. That is, the level of 300 does not represent twice the number of 150, but the 10th power of 150 (10).300). In another case, life is at a “destructive” level, both individually and socially, at levels of consciousness below 200. However, there are more than 200 "constructive". The 200 point here is the lever point that divides “force” and “power” into two. In addition, consciousness levels usually express a wholeness. In other words, a person lives most of his life not at a certain level, but mostly by going back and forth between different levels. Here the level of consciousness expresses a result of their total effect.

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200 Düzeyi

Shame below 200 levels of consciousness (20), blaming circumstances (30), despair (50), greed (75), fear (100), desire (greed) (125), anger (anger) (150), being proud (175) includes emotion and behavior patterns. However, at the 200 level, discovering, overcoming, achieving, resilience and determination emerge and life becomes exciting, challenging and stimulating. The desire to try new things plays an empowering role in seizing and overcoming the opportunities that life brings.

In addition, people can show rapid exits above the 200 level. At the 250 level, impartiality, an inner trust, and not trying to control anyone appear. At the level of 310, the person's willingness (willingness) and risk-taking tendency are dominant. This is the positive energy level where ascension accelerates and can be seen as a gateway to higher levels. Thus, social and economic success emerges automatically. Finding or creating a job is seen instead of unemployment. Self-esteem is quite high. There is a reward and appreciation by the society. People of this level are sensitive to other people and contribute to society. With the capacity to free themselves from adversity, they learn from experience and tend to organize themselves. They can strip themselves of their sense of pride and have reached the level of learning from others. They are very good students. They learn easily and represent a great source of power for society.


350 Düzeyi

Level 350 is the "acceptance" level. In the awareness of this level, there is a great transformation, the understanding of one's inner source and the understanding that one is the creator of life experience. All people under 200 have a tendency to powerlessness and see themselves as victims at the mercy of life. This understanding stems from the belief that the source of one's unhappiness or the cause of their problems is outside, that is, what is outside (oat there). A tremendous leap occurs when a person takes his own power and realizes that the source of happiness is within himself. Moreover, it has the capacity to make itself happy, and love comes from within, not from outside or from someone else. Also, at this level, there is no concern with right or wrong; Solving problems is important. Long-term goals take priority; self-discipline and competence are prominently featured.

400 Düzeyi

Level 400 is the level of rationality. Intelligence and rationality take precedence over sentimentality. At this level, the ability to cope with complex and large amount of information, to make quick and correct decisions, and to establish relationships come to the fore. This level is the "scientific" level. The capacity for conceptualization and understanding is increasing. Knowledge and education are in demand as capital. Understanding knowledge are essential tools for success. It is the level at which Nobel laureates, statesmen, and people with a history of thought coincide. However, the disadvantage of this level is that you cannot see the forest - that is, the whole - because of the trees. For this reason, it also constitutes a major obstacle to moving to higher levels of consciousness. Exceeding this level is relatively uncommon in society.

500 Düzeyi

At the 500 energy level, love emerges. Like the 200 energy level, it is another level of awareness that makes a leap in 500. Love here is a formation that does not change, takes its source from within and does not depend on external factors. To love is a form of 'being'. It is forgiving, supportive and nurturing as a way of relating to the world. It is not intellectual and does not arise from the mind. It comes from the heart. It is something that has the capacity to elevate others and allows to achieve great things because of the purity of that will. This level is the level of true happiness. However, only four per thousand (% 0.4) of the world's population have reached this level of conscious evolution so far.

540 Düzeyi

Energy level 540 is pleasure. As love becomes unconditional, this experience becomes inner joy. This is not a situation where things suddenly turn into a joyous moment. It is a constant accompaniment to all activities. It arises from within every memory that exists, rather than from any external source. 540 is also the level based on healing and spiritually self-help groups. The peculiarity of this energy level field is that it expresses a capacity to persist in tremendous patience and a positive attitude to constantly face adversity. Those who experience near-death moments experience the transition to 540-600 energy levels, especially due to the transformative effect.

Especially those who experience these moments experience moments similar to the "flow" states that Chiksimintahly and Maslow have stated. Especially the choice of profession represents an important situation in this sense. Because it can be thought that those who do what they love experience these moments involuntarily and make intermediate transitions to this level of consciousness.

600 Düzeyi

The 600 energy levels are associated with experiences that can be expressed as self-actualization, self-transcendence, and god consciousness. It is very rare and occurs in only one person in 10 million people. Individuals at this level distance themselves from the world. Some become spiritual teachers; others are tasked with healing mankind. A few are great geniuses in their fields and make tremendous contributions to society.


700 Düzeyi

It means enlightenment between 700 and 1000 energy levels. This is the level of religious idols of history. They are all persons identified as being associated with holiness. These levels represent the pinnacle of the consciousness evolution of the human realm.

Tüm bu bilgilerden çıkan sonuçlara göre bilinç seviyesi yukarıya doğru çıktıkça bu düzeylere denk düşen insan sayısı azalmaktadır. Bu anlamda insan ırkının %85’i kritik eşik olan 200 düzeyinin altında yer almaktadır. Ancak buna rağmen günümüzde bilinç düzeyi ortalaması 204’e denk düşmektedir. Dünya nüfusunun sadece binde dördü 500 ya da üstündeki enerji düzeyinde yer almaktadır. Ve 600 ve üstündeki bilinç düzeyinde yer alan kişi sayısı 10 milyonda sadece birdir.

Most of the people living in the world live at a very primitive emotional level with hopelessness, fear and security concerns. There is a world economic order operating with the impulse of desire and a social order focused on eliminating the desires that lead to pride. At this point, it can be stated that a meaningful human satisfaction cannot start up to 250 levels. this level confidenceThis is where consciousness begins to emerge as a basis for positive life experiences in the evolution of consciousness.

Dünya üzerindeki insanların yalnızca %15’i kritik seviye olan 200’ün üzerindedir. Ancak bu insanlar, dünyanın geri kalan 200 düzeyinin altındaki %85’inin negatif etkisini dengelemektedir. 700’de yer alan bir kişi, 200’ün altındaki 70 milyon insanı dengelemektedir. Sırasıyla 600’deki bir kişi, 10 milyon insanı, 500’ün üzerindeki ise 750 bin kişiyi; 400’deki biri 400 bin kişiyi; 300 düzeyindeki biri ise 200’ün altıdaki 90 bin kişiyi dengelemektedir. 700’e denk gelen şu anda 12 insan olduğu düşünülmektedir. 700 düzeyindeki 12 insan ise 1000 bilinç seviyesindeki bir kişiye denk gelmektedir.

Motivation with Consciousness Levels

When we evaluate what has been explained so far in terms of motivation and development, it will be possible for us to proceed through the answers to two basic questions at this point. First, what is our own level of consciousness? Second, how can we get this higher? First of all, it should be emphasized that the levels of consciousness expressed here are evaluated on averages. In other words, it is necessary to take into account an average of your positive and negative times, although every person shows a more positive indicator when they are happy, peaceful and their life is going well. In order to understand which level of consciousness we correspond to in general, it is necessary to realize how difficult it is to feel the emotions of that level. If we can achieve this easily and spontaneously, we can be said to belong more to that level of consciousness.

An important fact about the change of consciousness levels is that large positive jumps between consciousness levels are possible. Rapid positive changes are only possible with near-death experiences and extraordinary experiences. Apart from this, every development takes place by working on ourselves. The first of the basic ways to get rid of lower levels of consciousness self-awareness is developing. This process, which includes activities such as being aware of yourself and your place in life, getting to know and improving yourself, is a long and arduous journey. The second way is bravery is to show. Here, it is not a superhuman phenomenon, but rather the courage of people to face themselves, to change, to develop, to exist, to express themselves. In this sense, the most basic development goal will be to move away from the behavior and emotional forms represented by the lower level over time and to be open to experiencing the opposite of what we have done throughout life.


If we have to divide the consciousness level into two parts, the lower level and the higher level, the only expression that defines the lower level is fear, if the best expression describing the top level love We can safely say that it is. These two umbrella concepts express a strong structure that separates humans into two different living species, in terms of the worldview and lifestyle they represent. The transition from fear to love is the critical threshold, as just mentioned. bravery level is possible.

At the lower level of consciousness, there is a representation of a human being motivated by fear, thinking in fear, and living in fear. Examples of the lowest levels do not contribute to the world and humanity, but spend a lifetime displaying more damaging behaviors. While people at the high level of consciousness represented by love make great contributions to the world and humanity, they have universal values that we can call "world citizens". As you go to the higher levels, it is always possible to see that they are working for the development of human beings (to the extent of their possibilities), regardless of religion, language or race. The world owes its development to the existence of people in this higher consciousness group in every sense.

Tayfun Topaloğlu

All Posts by the Author


David Hawkins (2000) Power vs Force: An Anatomy of Consciousness, Hay House Australia Pty Ltd, 4th Edt. Australia.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (2005) Flow (Trans. Semra Kunt Akbaş) HYB Publishing, Ankara.

Tayfun Topaloglu, (2018) motivation Dâfeeling, Cinius Publications, Istanbul

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