Quotations on Taking Action

Eyleme Geçmek Üzerine Özlü Sözler

Eyleme Geçmek Üzerine Özlü Sözler

Quotations on Taking Action

Good days don't come to you, you will walk to them.

Başlamak için koşulların mükemmel olmasını beklemeyin. Başlangıç, koşulları mükemmel hale getirecektir.
Alan Cohen

If we start doing what we can do,
We get results that will astonish us.
Thomas Edison

Eğer insanlar hiç aptalca şeyler yapmasaydı, akıllıca işler yapılamazdı.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

If you want the sun to reach you, step out of shadows.

The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.
Larry Eisenberg

I'm all alone. But still unit.
I can't do everything, but I can still do something.
I will not refuse to do everything because I cannot do everything.
The things I can do.

Edward Everett Hale

Dare to lose sight of the shore Without it, man cannot discover the ocean.
André Gide

The world is like your shadow on a sunny day. Move, see what your shadow will do. Of course he will move with you!
Steve Chandler

If we don't have a good reason to start a business,
we have a good reason not to start it.
W Scott

The size of the unfolded wings is unknown.
André Gide

Kederin tek çaresi eylemdir.
G. H. Lewes

Don't let what you can't do interfere with what you can do.
John Wooden

Until the smart bridge looks for it, it crosses the crazy water.
Turkish Proverb

Regret for the things you have done will pass with time; however, there is no cure for regret for things you didn't do.
Sydney J. Harris

Even the longest journeys start with a single step.
Lao Tzu

 Do what you have to do now, and you will feel powerful in that moment.
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

People who think too much before taking a step
They spend their lives on one leg.

Anthony DeMello

You say tomorrow will be a completely different person.
Why don't you start today?

To begin is to be half finished. 

History is about people trying to realize their desires and goals.
is nothing but his actions.

Karl Marx

All places are at the same distance from the sky.
R. Burton

No one knows what they can do until they try.
George Macdonald

Great thoughts put into practice become great actions.
William Hazlitt

The most important part is getting started.

Take Action, Be Determined, You Will Succeed!


We are responsible not only for what we do, but also for what we do not do.

The only way to start over is to start a job again.
Jolman Portland Chase

The goal of life is not knowledge, but action.
Thomas Henry Huxley 

Knowledge of the world is again learned only in the world, not in a small room.
Jonathan Swift 

When one door of happiness closes, another opens. But we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the new one that has been opened for us.
Helen Keller

Don't tell me about the rain, oil!
Victor Hugo

When you go through a bad period and everything seems against you,
when it feels like you can't stand it for a minute,
DO NOT give up!
Because that is the place and time when 'the trend' will change.


As long as you keep going
It doesn't matter how slow you go.


Sometimes it's the stone you find, sometimes it's the butterflies you find, sometimes you find flowers, sometimes you find the truth; but remember, beauty always finds,
not when you find it… That's the excuse for the job.


Believe, truly believe! You can move a mountain if you want. You can do this if you believe. Not many people think they can move a mountain. That's why not many people try it.
David Joseph Schwartz

One day you can't take your eyes off the things you can't afford.
Tayfun Topaloğlu

Move on!

If we don't get lost, we'll never find a new way.
Joan Littlewood

If It Can't Be Done, Do It! If You Don't, It Can't Exist.
Paul Arden

Wherever you are, it is always the starting point. That's why life is so beautiful, so young, so fresh.

In fact, the things that we do not dare because it is difficult,
It is difficult because we do not dare.


If you want to have something you've never had before, you have to do something you've never done before.
Nosrat Peseschkian

I'm all alone. But still unit. I can't do everything, but I can still do something. I will not refuse to do everything because I cannot do everything. The things I can do…
Edward Everett Hale

Sen yolunda yürü… Bırak ne derlerse desinler.
Dante Alighieri

Act Now!

There is a different world waiting for you beyond the storm, believe me.. Hang on the oars, sail into the unknown! Instead of losing your mind in the places you will reach, keep your NAME in big letters.
Tayfun Topaloğlu

If you don't have the grades or money to go to college, take classes. If you want that job even though you weren't accepted, lie on your doorstep. Go to all the classes, do the errands, get a job. People get to know you. Eventually they will accept you; because you are part of that group. Not only will they respect you for your determination, they will love you for it. It will take time, maybe a year; but you will be inside, not outside.
Paul Arden

The world needs dreamers and doers.
But he needs more of those who do what he dreams of.

S. Breathnach

Something amazing is waiting to be discovered somewhere.
Carl Sagan

The secret to being ahead is getting started.

Agatha Christie

If the sun doesn't come to you, you go to the sun.
Tayfun Topaloğlu



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