The Art of Being Happy - 10 Golden Rules for Happiness

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Mutlu Olma Sanatı - Mutluluk İçin 10 Altın Kural... Bu yazıda, mutlu olmak adına 10 altın kuraldan bahsediyorum.

The Art of Being Happy - 10 Golden Rules for Happiness

In life, we ask some questions with our minds and answer them with our hearts. The most important of them is about happiness. How happy are you in your life? What I'm about to tell you now will ease your heart a little. Because being happy is an art. And the artist is none other than yourself.


In this video tutorial, I'm talking about the 10 golden rules to being happy. When you learn these rules, you will realize the reasons why you are unhappy and you will understand how you can easily become a happier person.


The art of being happy It starts with self-awareness. For the sake of awareness, try to answer these questions sincerely: Are you generally a happy person? What do you do to feel happy?


Of course, everyone wants to be happy. This desire underlies many behaviors. However, there is a certain level of happiness that people are born with. So even if you experience great joys and sorrows in your life, you will return to your average level of happiness after a while. However, each person can improve their ability to be happy with a conscious effort and increase their level of happiness. Otherwise, why should we tell them! ????


The art of being happy has two aspects: intellectual and operational. Because how we think and how we act fundamentally determines our happiness process. Here's what I'm about to tell you, your happiness in all its aspects addresses.


First Golden Rule of Happiness:

Happiness is Always in Your Own Hands

Sizi mutlu veya mutsuz eden şey, insanlar ya da olaylar değil, bunlar hakkındaki düşüncelerinizdir. Now take a deep breath and think about what I just said! Recall an event that made you unhappy recently. What really upset you? Try to analyze what happened. Answer these two questions in turn: What is the event you are actually experiencing? What is your opinion about this event?


For example, you had an accident and suffered a financial loss… You think this is the worst thing that has ever happened to you. Maybe you are right. But if you've noticed, how you describe a situation determines how you feel. From this perspective, what really bothers you is not the accident, but your thoughts about the accident.


Second Rule:

Focus on the Things You Control

As long as you pay attention to the things you can't control in your life, you invite unhappiness. When you feel ineffective, it's often when you're too focused on situations beyond your control. In such cases, you remain inactive. And inaction will make you more miserable. Try to focus on things within your control, namely your own thoughts and actions. Your strategy here should be: Adapt to what is out of your control and give all your energies to those within your control. For example, whether the weather is closed or open is not under your control; but being in the right mood is something you have control over.


Third Rule:

Don't Make Happiness Conditions

One of the primary causes of unhappiness is to bind happiness to certain conditions. When you put forward conditions such as I will be happy if this happens, I will be unhappy if this happens, you will experience less happiness. However, you don't need any reason to be happy right now. Even breathing is enough to feel happy. Now take a deep breath and enjoy this beautiful breath to the fullest.



Fourth Rule:

Don't Compare

One of the biggest causes of unhappiness is making comparisons. You often feel unhappy when you compare yourself to people or compare yourself to your past self and your present self. First, each person's life path is very special and incomparably unique. Therefore, comparing yourself or the processes you experience with others is actually unfair to yourself. Second, all your choices are made from the current best options. If you want better results in the future, you just need to create better options.



Fifth Rule:

Make Time for Happiness

If you want to feel good, try to do good things. Make time for things that make you happy with conscious effort. Happiness activities that you can do at regular intervals will make your happiness more sustainable. Some of us like to travel, some of us like to read books. It would be the right choice to try to do these things by creating time instead of doing them when you find time. You can start by making a list of activities that make you happy. Then try doing a few of these on a regular basis. With these applications, which I call happiness hours, you will increase your happiness quality over time.


Sixth Rule:

Be Positive and Optimistic

When you manage to look on the bright side of things and think positively, you will experience more happiness. One effective method you can use to deal with setbacks, in particular, is to focus on the learning experience. When faced with any distressing event, try asking yourself these two questions: What did I learn from this distressing event? And what can I do differently next time for a better result? Besides, one of my favorite expressions for optimism is to think that there is good in every bad thing. Also, remember, positive things usually happen to positive people ????


Seventh Rule:

Think Action-Oriented

Emotions are like water in a glass. If your glass is full of negative emotions, you need to empty it first. One of the best ways to get rid of negative emotions such as sadness, regret and disappointment is “action-oriented thinking”. When you feel helpless and sad, if you take a positive step, even a small one, you will start to feel better. The important thing is to be doing something. What you need to stay away from is to stay inactive and keep thinking. Your strategy should be: When you have a final opinion on any subject, it is to pause the thinking process until you have taken a small step towards it. Do something about your last thought, then take a new attitude again according to changing circumstances.



Eighth Rule:

Don't Ignore Your Basic Needs

Your lifestyle deeply affects the happiness process in your life. How you live will determine how you think and how you think will determine how you live. You rarely feel happy when your basic needs are not adequately met. For example, your vital needs such as eating, drinking and sleeping must be adequately met. It is very difficult to feel good when you are hungry or sleepless. All these may not be enough to be happy, but at least it will prevent you from being unhappy.


Ninth Rule:

Be Creative and Productive

Many people, under the influence of consumption culture, make the mistake of thinking that what they have will make them happy. He spends his life with his happy buying behavior. However, purchased happiness is often expensive and leaves temporary tastes. You feel better when you focus on producing happiness rather than buying it. How Does? For example, you are planning to buy a gift for your friend on his birthday, instead of buying a present, you can try to make a souvenir for him. Thus, you experience happiness twice. 😉


Tenth Rule:

Don't Lose Your Gratitude

Giving thanks and gratitude will relax you spiritually and lift your life energy up. What are you grateful for having in your life? Try to divert your attention from things you don't have to things that are with you. For example, making a list of all these can be a good reminder. Prepare a 'Thanksgiving List' for yourself right now without wasting any time. I'm sure you'll start to feel happy as soon as you do this.

To summarize what has been said so far… Happiness is always in your hands. The only thing that brings happiness is your thoughts and actions. Focus on the things you can control in your life and don't make happiness a requirement. Keep yourself away from negative comparisons. Create hours of happiness for yourself. Have a positive and optimistic attitude. Think action-oriented. Do not ignore your basic needs. Instead of buying happiness, try to produce it. And lastly, never forget to be thankful. May happiness always be with you ????

Tayfun Topaloğlu

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