10 Ways of Thinking That Makes Money

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10 Ways of Thinking That Makes Money

Hello, I would like to talk to you about business ideas that can make money or the beauty of wealth, but no… I want to talk about something more important, I will tell you about 10 ways of thinking that can make money. In the last part, I will share with you a 6-step application that can quickly respond to your requests about money. Let's talk about some money :)


Some of the richest people in history come from already wealthy families. Very boring. What really excites me is those who start from scratch and come to a place with their own efforts. The good news is that the number of people who achieve this is many times more than those who are born rich. What I want to share with you is their way of thinking. When we understand these thinking processes that make them rich, we can model them in our own lives and thus improve our finances.

“There are people who have money, and then there are those who are rich.” Coco Chanel .

Everyone's perception of wealth is different. I am not one of those who define wealth by materiality. However, I am aware like everyone else how valuable money is in today's world.

Everyone has a different definition of wealth. For some, owning a house and a car is enough for wealth, while for others, even the existence of a million-dollar house doesn't make much sense. So what does wealth mean to you? How do you know you are rich?

Of course, the importance of spiritual wealth is indisputable. However, we are talking more about material wealth here. Maybe you don't want to be rich right now, you just want to pay off your debts or go on with your life comfortably. There is hardly anyone in life who, for whatever reason, would not want to earn more money.

Now we can move on to the 10 ways of thinking that make money. All of this will increase your awareness of wealth, and once you make it a habit, it will guide your future actions regarding money. Each way of thinking is based on the intellectual characteristics shared by the wealthy and the findings of experts in their fields.

1- Wealth Can Be Modeled

The perceptions of most of us about wealth, wealth and money are not very positive. The main reasons for this are the family we grew up in and the genetic codes of the society we live in. If you have negative thoughts and beliefs about money, you should first notice them and try to turn them into positive.

Money is not really good or bad. You determine what money means as a secure payment and exchange tool. “Money makes you more than just what you are. If you're already a bad person, money gives you an environment to be even worse. If you are a good person, money gives you the opportunity to become even better. If you are already bad manners, you can be even more rude with money. If you are generous, money allows you to be more generous. ” (T. Harv Eker)

An honest look at your own life is enough to understand what's going on in your subconscious mind about money. Your attitudes, habits and ways of thinking about money are the biggest components that determine your financial situation today. And they will be the ones who will determine your future state.

What would you do if you knew that your financial problems were more about the way you think? We often derive our thoughts about money from family members who raised us from an early age. How was the relationship of your parents who raised you with money? Did they manage their money well, or did they always have a problem with money?

T. Harv Eker shared a story in his book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”. There was a woman who cut both ends of the ham while she was cooking ham for dinner. When her surprised husband asked why she cut both ends, the woman said; “This is how my mother cooked,” he said. Coincidentally, the woman's mother came to dinner with them that night. They asked him why he had cut both ends of the ham. “This is how my mother cooked,” he said. After all, they called the grandmother and asked the same question, what do you think was the answer of the grandmother? “Because my pot was too small!” We often look like our mom or dad or a mix of both when it comes to money.

We all need the right models in life. In particular, the ways we think positively or negatively about money affects our material well-being throughout life more than anything else.

2- Winners Never Give Up

Do you want them to feel pity for you or for them to envy you? When you hear this expression for the first time, you might say, "Of course, I would like to be envied." But the main difference between winners and losers lies in actions, not words.

Ask yourself this: How likely are you to be rich or not? Do not rush.

According to quantum mechanics, both were equally likely before they responded.

“Winners never quit, quitters never win.” This brilliant quote from Napoleon Hill is the number one slogan of the winners club. Being a true winner lies in having an unyielding attitude. And money flows to those who don't give up.

Every morning you wake up and you make an important decision: Will I be a winner or a loser today? And you consistently confirm this decision by what you do all day long… Your one day is actually a projection of your whole life.

3-People Follow Money, Money Follows Trust

Para kazanmanın sırlarından birisi de güven yaratmaktır. Güven kaybetmektense para kaybetmeyi tercih ederim diyen Robert Bosh, bu düşünceyi en iyi ifade edenlerden birisidir. Güven yaratmak, önce kendine güvenmekle başlar.

"Trust yourself; then you will see how to live.” Goethe

Kendine ve yaptığın işe güven duymadan, başkalarının size güven duymasını bekleyemezsiniz. Bir düşünün elinize bir milyon dolar geçti. Kimilerine göre bu ufak bir para. Ne yaparsınız? Hiç düşündünüz mü?

The interesting thing is that not many people know what to do with that money. Even thinking about it puts some people in trouble. And finally the coherence law of the universe comes into play. Because when you see such a thing as impossible and troublesome, the energy of money will stay away from you.

If there is one truth about money, it is that it loves trust. Money follows trust. Of course, so are people. The prerequisite for self-confidence is to work hard in a way that does not allow failure in the field you are interested in.

4- Passion Is The Glue For Money

Have you ever seen someone who does his job with passion and lives his life with passion? Maybe you are one of them. It is a fact that something done with passion has no rival. And passion is the glue of money. You don't feel attached to something done without it. Neither producing, nor selling nor buying. The source of passions is sometimes dreams, sometimes something you missed with all your heart. Regardless, once you uncover it and go after it, the money will follow.

There is a research shared by Joe Vitale in his book "The Secret of the Law of Attraction". In this study, which was carried out with 1500 people, a study was carried out with a group of people divided into two categories, the result of which was obtained years later. First, the future financial situation of people chasing money, and people chasing their passions, was looked at. 20 years later, it was seen that there were 101 millionaires in the whole group. There was only one person from group A who was a millionaire. The remaining 100 millionaires all came out of group B, who were told they would first pursue their passions and then the money would come anyway. What would you do if it were you? Would this information change your mind?

5- Do What You Love, Love What You Do

Everything goes through love. When you love, you open the door to endless motivation. When you do something you love, or find a way to love what you do, you give it your all. All difficulties become small in your eyes and all obstacles become steps to the top. If you are not one of those people who are lucky enough to do the job they love, you have to find a way to love your job and do it with passion. For example, try to make it fun. If your work doesn't give you pleasure, it won't give it to others either. The best way to love your job is to constantly remind yourself of the contribution your job has made to you and your life. Try to remember what you got with what they gave you.

You cannot earn a long-term income from a job that you do not enjoy and are not happy with. Robert Kiyosaki says, “If you're not happy when you get rich, you won't be happy when you get rich either. If you are an unhappy person, money will never make you happy. If you have to work for money, find a way to work and be happy. That's what financial intelligence is."

6-If You're Gonna Think, Think Big

People with big dreams have an interesting attraction. They remind us of the romance we lost. That is why the dreams of young people are more vivid and lively. In time, dreams die first and then people are buried.

You can't make something you can't imagine come true. Therefore, you must have a clear and unambiguous vision of your dream of wealth. You must constantly visualize it and imagine it as if it were real. If you don't see great riches in your imagination, you'll never see them in your bank balance, says Napoleon Hill. When you do this, a real experience effect will be created in your mind and your dream will become reality faster. be you,"try to fill your head with big dreams. Your mind will fill your pockets with money later.” (Benjamin Franklin)

“Those who think small cannot catch the big fish. If you want to be rich, you must first learn to think big… If you want to be rich, think big, think differently… The most valuable source of income for the rich is their ability to think differently from others.” (Robert Kiyosaki)

7- The Most Profitable Investment Is the Investment You Make in Yourself

Because the more you learn, the more you earn. (Frank Clark) The art of making money is the most profitable of the arts. Our environment is full of countless opportunities. But we need to train our minds to see them.

“Don't tell me about your priorities, show me where you're spending your money, and I'll tell you what they are.” James W. Frick

“The greatest wealth you have today is between your ears.” (Brian Tracy) “Your mind is your greatest asset; So be careful what you put in it.” (Robert Kiyosaki)

The curiosity of those who rule money is unbelievable. These people value knowledge, are constantly learning, and work with the best in their field. Because they are aware that what they know makes them money, and what they don't know makes them lose money.

“Classical education allows you to earn your living; educating yourself will save you a fortune.” Jim Rohn

8- Working for Money Is Better Than Working for Money

George Burns “Yatakta para kazanmadığınız sürece yatakta kalmayın.” der esprili bir şekilde. Çok haklı! Para için çalışarak sadece geçiminizi sağlarsınız, ancak parayı kendiniz için çalıştırmayı başardığınızda, işte o zaman zenginliğe giden yolun kapısını aralarsınız. Parayı çalıştırmak demek, asla çalışmayacağınız anlamına gelmez elbette. Yatırımlar yapar, ilişkiler kurar ve akıllı bir şekilde çalışırsınız. Para kazandıran sistemi kurduğunuzda, size sağladığı düzenli ve daimi bir kazancın keyfini çıkarırsınız. “Eğer siz uykudayken de para kazanacağınız bir yol bulamazsanız, ölene kadar çalışmak durumunda kalacaksınız.” (Warren Buffett)

“The key to wealth is learning how to make money while you sleep.” Jean Paul Getty

9. The Biggest Risk Is Not Taking Any Risks

Risking nothing is actually risking everything, said Albert Einstein. “You never know your true identity until you take a risk in life.” (Masterminds) According to Warren Buffett, risk is when you don't know what you're doing. Pretty inspiring thought. Some people may think that what you are doing is too risky, and they may even try to dissuade you from the venture. Their intentions are never bad. They simply act according to the ways of thinking they were taught when they were young.

“There are hundreds of people looking for security for a man willing to risk his fortune.” Jean Paul Getty

“Risks are the measure of people. People who don't take risks try to protect what they have. Those who take risks end up with more.” (Paul Arden) And know that the people who live the life you want to live are the ones who take risks you don't dare to take.

Those who take risks you do not dare to take will live the life you want to live. Socrates

10- Anything That Doesn't Make Money Is a Cost

There is a well-known saying; we don't buy things with money, we buy them with the hours of our lives. When we buy something and evaluate its cost to us in this way, we can better realize what we are actually exchanging.

Warren Buffett made one of the best observations on this subject: “If you buy things you don't need, you will soon have to sell the things you need.” We should understand this statement of the old wolf, who also lives in accordance with this philosophy.

First of all, we need to distinguish between needs and wants. We survive with necessities. After these are met, what remains are only our wishes. Think about all the unnecessary items in your life. Convert their cost into time and try looking at your possessions that way. You know that TV you love so much, how many hours of your life did you buy it?

There is a saying: “Rich people stay rich by living as if they were broke. Penniless people, on the other hand, remain penniless by living as if they were rich. From this point of view, everything in your life that does not make you money and does not generate income is a cost item. Of course, some things that make you happy may be an exception. But buying happiness provides both expensive and temporary satisfaction. That's why you need to identify the things that don't bring you any return, and eliminate them and direct your resources in the right direction.

Six Steps to Turn Desires into Gold

In this last section, I would like to share with you an application that integrates the ideas we have explained so far. Napoleon Hill, in his book "Think and Get Rich", which has become a development classic, suggested a six-step method to us. Stating that creating wealth will be achieved by raising awareness of wealth before working hard, the author lists the steps we need to take in order to obtain the money we need with this method:

(1) Determine in your mind the exact amount of money you desire… It is not enough to simply say, “I want a lot of money.” Be precise about the amount… (2) Decide exactly what you intend to give in exchange for the money you desire. (You can't get anything without paying anything.) (3) Set a definite date for getting the money you desire… (4) Put forth a plan to fulfill your desire and act immediately to put that plan into practice whether you are ready or not…( 5) Put all that you wrote down on paper… If we summarize the first 5 steps, clearly define the amount of money you intend to earn; set a time limit to earn it; indicate what you intend to give in return for this money; Clearly describe your plan for making money… and write it all down… (6) Read this twice a day; once just before going to bed and once just after getting up. As you read this, visualize the feeling that you already have that money. And believe it with all your heart.

To sum up what we've said so far... recognize the money thinking pattern in your life and try to change it if necessary. Have a winning attitude and never be a giver. Trust yourself, because money follows trust. Follow your passions and don't look back. Do what you love and look for ways to love what you do. Think big and constantly visualize the wealth of your dreams. The most profitable investment is the investment you make in yourself, never forget that. Find a way to make the money work for you and it will happily work for you. Not taking risks is the biggest risk in life. Don't take this risk. Never forget that anything that doesn't make money is a cost. When you adopt these 10 ways of thinking that make money, believe with all your heart that you will reach the wealth you desire in your life as soon as possible.

Tayfun Topaloğlu

All Video Tutorials


  • Robert Kiyosaki – Rich Dad, Poor Dad
  • George S. Clason – The Richest Man in Babylon
  • Joseph Murphy – The Power of the Subconscious
  • Napoleon Hill – Think and Get Rich
  • David J. Schwartz – The Magic of Thinking Big
  • Deepak Chopra – Just Ask
  • Randy Gage – Accept Wealth
  • Harv Eker – Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
  • Joe Vitale – The Secret of the Law of Attraction
  • Tayfun Topaloğlu – Motivational Genius

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