The Power of Value-Oriented Motivation

Değer Odaklı Motivasyonun Gücü... Bu video eğitimde özdeğerimizi güçlendirmenin yollarını anlatırken, bir motivasyon aracı olarak değer yaratmanın öneminden bahsediyoruz.

Değer Odaklı Motivasyonun Gücü... Bu video eğitimde özdeğerimizi güçlendirmenin yollarını anlatırken, bir motivasyon aracı olarak değer yaratmanın öneminden bahsediyoruz.

The Power of Value-Oriented Motivation

In this video tutorial, we discuss ways to strengthen our self-worth and emphasize the importance of creating value as a motivational tool. As you consistently practice the applications explained in the workshop, uncovering the motivation you need in your life will become more achievable.

We live for the things we value in life. And, most often, we strive to sustain the things we value. Anything not recognized loses its value and enters a process of decay. This holds true for both our personal lives and our societal existence. Things valued by society continue to exist. On an individual level, we use the concept of value to define the things we prioritize.

In this work, we will focus on two aspects of value. The first aspect is related to ourselves, expressing the state of our self-worth. The second aspect is about managing the value of something we desire or aim for. Working on these two dimensions forms the basis of value-driven motivation. Let's first talk about the concept of self-worth.


Our self-worth perception reflects the value we attribute to ourselves. And in many ways, it is of vital importance. When our self-worth is strong, we can create significant value in everything we do. On the contrary, when it is weak, our potential to generate value, from relationships to professional life, is hindered. When experiencing an intense sense of worthlessness, it becomes challenging to produce something valuable.

Let's begin the process of strengthening self-worth with a self-assessment. Try to rate how much value you currently attribute to yourself on a scale of 1 to 10. Express in a few words what this rating means; for example, a rating of 5 might mean, "I don't feel very valuable these days." The primary goal of this exercise is to center your self-worth perception and, if your rating is relatively low, elevate it through small exercises. Regardless of your score, these exercises will make it easier for you to maintain a strong sense of self-worth.

Value Management

The second dimension of creating value is related to value management. From a motivational perspective, we can leverage the power of value for our desires and goals. We take action for things that are valuable to us and become more motivated in the process. For things that we don't value, we don't want to invest time and effort. This is applicable to every aspect of life. Our ability to determine the direction of value will significantly impact our motivation and moral strength. If something is important to me, I can increase its value to boost my motivational power. However, if I no longer want something to affect me, I decrease its value and try to make it insignificant in my mind.

You can continue with practical exercises for developing value-oriented motivation in video training.

Tayfun Topaloğlu

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