Increase Your Motivational Power

Yaratıcı imgeleme tekniği ile motivasyon gücünüzü artırın... Bu videoda beynimizin eşsiz potansiyelini açığa çıkaran yaratıcı imgelemenin motivasyonu artırmak için nasıl kullanılabileceğini deneyimleyeceksiniz.

Yaratıcı imgeleme tekniği ile motivasyon gücünüzü artırın... Bu videoda beynimizin eşsiz potansiyelini açığa çıkaran yaratıcı imgelemenin motivasyonu artırmak için nasıl kullanılabileceğini deneyimleyeceksiniz.

Increase your motivation power with the creative imagery technique… In this video, you will experience how creative imagery, which reveals the unique potential of our brain, can be used to increase motivation.

Imagination is the pinnacle of thinking. We dream what we want and we can make our dreams come true in time. Creative imagination, which expresses the ability to use imagination systematically for a specific purpose, is a powerful tool that unlocks the unique potential of our brain. We can use this method, which we used for different purposes such as relaxing our minds, thinking clearly or focusing, as a unique technique to create the motivation we need.

For this, first of all, we need to be able to visualize the positive result we want in our minds. We try to visualize the result we want by actively using all our senses, especially our senses of sight, hearing and touch.

It should be noted that most of the anxieties and worries experienced are the result of misuse of imagination. When we focus our imagination on things we don't want, we unknowingly abuse it.

The main reason why many dreams and goals do not come true is that we cannot clearly visualize the moment when we realize them. Keep this in mind: You can't achieve anything you can't imagine while realizing yourself. If you can dream of something, you can probably make it a reality.

Kendinizi gerçekleştirirken hayal edemediğiniz hiçbir şeyi gerçekleştiremezsiniz.

Things imagined using emotions create a real experience effect in our brain. For example, if your goal is to pass a tough exam, you can picture the moment you did it. If your dream is to start your own business, you can imagine the first celebration when you open your business. Or, you can provide the motivation you need by visualizing that you have found a solution to a problem or completed a task that you had difficulty starting.

This technique, which I will share with you shortly, will provide you with a systematic guide on how you can use your imagination to create motivation. With this work that carries the future to now, you will increase your motivation and create a strong memory for yourself reaching that goal. Thus, you will realize what you need to do to reach it and you will feel more motivated to take action.

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Tayfun Topaloğlu

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