Focus on What Matters / Concentration Techniques

Önemli Olana Odaklanın. Konsantrasyon teknikleri ile önemli olana odaklanacak, konsantre olma becerilerinizi en üst düzeye çıkarabileceksiniz

Önemli Olana Odaklanın. Konsantrasyon teknikleri ile önemli olana odaklanacak, konsantre olma becerilerinizi en üst düzeye çıkarabileceksiniz

Konsantrasyon Teknikleri ile Önemli Olana Odaklanın

We know that getting what we want in every area of life requires focus and concentration. However, when it comes to doing this, we often do not achieve it easily. Here in this video, you will be able to maximize your concentration skills with the exercises I have prepared specially for you, while learning the tips to focus on what is important.

Today, we are preoccupied with too many stimuli around us. Because of this, the duration of our focus of attention is considerably shortened. Our minds are divided because we are busy with more than one task at the same time, trying desperately to do what is asked of it. However, when we take a closer look at our brain, we can easily see that what really makes it powerful is its ability to focus on only one thing at a time. Just as magnifying glasses can focus their energy by concentrating the sunlight, our brain draws its power from its ability to focus.

Our mind, which is shuttled between the past and the future, cannot stay in the moment and has difficulty focusing on the things that really matter. Therefore, being able to stay in the present moment is the first factor that maximizes the power of focus. By meditating regularly, you can increase your concentration power to better levels. (Click for meditation practice)

In today's modern life, we are under the influence of environmental stimuli. We find it difficult to control our impulsive reactions to messages from everywhere. At this point, we need to realize that we are conditioned to these stimuli and are therefore easily distracted. First of all, I want you to put that phone you're holding aside. Not just now, but whenever you need to concentrate, either mute it or put it out of sight. If you run your business by phone, you can set 15 minutes for yourself and try to look at your phone only during these intervals. Over time, you will see that this is good for you.

One of the common points of people who can easily focus is that they are dealing with something they love. Because you care about what you love to do. Everything else is out of your focus. Therefore, when you are busy with something you love or find a way to do it with pleasure, your power of focus and concentration will increase.

Make It Enjoyable

When you do something fun and enjoyable, you don't realize how time flies. Usually the biggest problem with focusing is that what you're doing is boring to you. If you can turn what you want to concentrate on into a game, you will have more time to focus on it. For example, think of what you are doing in a competition format, imagine that you are competing with yourself or an opponent of your choice. If you can find a way to enjoy the process, your focus will be very strong.

Make it Important

Often times the problem is losing the connection to the big picture. Notice how your focus relates to those big goals in your life. Also, try to find a way to make what you concentrate on important. Why is doing this important to you, what does it gain you? For example, a mountaineer has to concentrate only on that climb while climbing to the top of the mountain. He knows that what he is doing is vitally important. Do so too! Of course, don't overdo it enough to stress you out.

Relieve Worries and Anxiety

Kafanız kaygılı düşüncelerle doluyken, konsantre olmaya çalışmak, evde yangın varken, yemek yapmaya benzer. Aklınıza kaygı veren bir düşünce geliyorsa, basit bir çözümü var. Önünüzde duran bir kağıda, kafanızı meşgul eden düşünce için “Seni 2 saat sonra düşüneceğim” diyerek not alın. Bir nevi, o düşüncelere randevu verin. İşe yarayacaktır. Ama sonrasında mutlaka onu düşünmek için zaman ayırın.  (Kaygı ve Endişelerle Baş Etmenin Yolları Video Eğitimi)

Set Rituals

In fact, being able to concentrate is just a simple habit. Another way to make this easier is to set a ritual for yourself. Rituals are repetitive and habitual patterns of behavior. For example, to concentrate instrumental You can listen to some music. Over time, by starting to play this music in your mind, you will be ready to concentrate. Also, another method is to count backwards from 10 or take 10 deep breaths just beforehand.

Use Suggestions

You can use the power of suggestions for concentration. Before starting that work, repeat the following sentences to yourself, out loud if possible: I am concentrating on what I am doing with all my might right now. That's what I focus on with everything. When you repeat these sentences to yourself several times, you will concentrate better on what you are doing. If you want, you can use your own sentences by taking these sentences as an example.


When you follow all these steps I mentioned, your power of focus and concentration will increase even more. Now let's do some practice. In the first study I prepared for you, we will try to improve your focus of attention. In the second exercise, we will apply a method that will make it easier for you to focus. Whenever you need to concentrate, you can try to get started by repeating this method. (Watch the video for the exercises.)

Birinci Egzersiz

Try to stare at the candlelight you see on the screen for a minute without moving your eyes or getting distracted. If a thought pops into your mind and you get distracted or distracted, start the exercise again.

İkinci Egzersiz

By following this method I have prepared for you, you can increase your focus and concentration power. Now we're going to count backwards from 10 with you. And as you do this, try to repeat my words after me. 10: I focus my mind on what I am going to do right now… 9: I slowly mute all the sounds around me… 8: I postpone every preoccupying thought to a later time… 7: I concentrate on what I am going to do right now with all my mind and heart… 6: And nothing until I complete it I don't let anything distract me… When I count backwards from five, I just focus on what's important. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


Focus and Concentration Techniques 

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Tayfun Topaloğlu

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