What is Pilates / Contrology?

Pilates / Kontroloji Nedir? Joseph Pilates'in girişimciliği ve modern pilatesin gelişim süreci hakkında tüm bilgiler...

Pilates / Kontroloji Nedir? Joseph Pilates'in girişimciliği ve modern pilatesin gelişim süreci hakkında tüm bilgiler...

What is Pilates / Contrology?

Joseph Pilates of German origin, the creator of pilates, which emerged at the beginning of the 19th century, systematized this sport, known under his own name, and made it a method. Pilates struggled with various diseases in his childhood and his interest in sports started for this reason. After moving to England in 1912, Joseph Pilates, who developed professionally in various sports branches, faced many problems in his career because of his German origin. A flu epidemic broke out in England during the years when he began teaching various exercise movements, which he called contrology. It has been observed that people engaged in Pilates have a strong immunity against this epidemic.

Joseph Pilates, who started working in a military hospital with this success, continued to help people while continuing to develop his own system. It was here that he realized the first applications of pilates techniques and contributed to the rapid recovery of the patients. Later, when he returned to Germany, the techniques he developed aroused great interest in dance circles. When he immigrated to America in 1925, the success he achieved in the circle of dance and stage artists played a big role in the recognition of pilates all over the world.

In the words of Joseph Pilates, contrology (pilates) is the complete coordination of body, mind and spirit. Through contrology, you first consciously gain full control of your own body, and then, through appropriate repetition of the exercises, you gradually and gradually acquire the natural rhythm and coordination associated with all your subconscious activities.

According to him, change happens with movement and movement has a healing quality. Discipline and determination are important in his system of work, and the following principle sheds light on change: 

You will feel the difference in 10 sessions, see the difference in 20 sessions and have a new body in 30 sessions.

According to him, if your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you're old. If it's completely flexible at 60, you're young. So, the more flexible your spine is, the younger you are, says Joseph Pilates. With his method, you learn to be in control of your body, not at its mercy.

Joseph Pilates, who has developed more than 600 exercise movements throughout his career, has made a great contribution to the healthy life awareness of modern people by transferring them to his trainers and books.

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